The Moral Development Of Children – Being Parents

The moral development of children

The moral development of children can be observed from the age of six months. From this moment, babies are able to tell the difference between right and wrong. An essential quality for the proper functioning of the company.

Moral Development in Children: When?

Important psychologists like Jean Piaget or Sigmund Freud consider that  babies are born without any moral sense. However, over the months, and in large part through socialization, children develop the morals that allow them to distinguish between good and evil.

These fundamental authors have different theories on this subject. However, they agree that the moral development of children is a process that involves socialization and learning the norms that govern society. Morality appears in each individual through different phases.

There is no doubt that  the development of morality depends to a large extent on the rules instilled in the child in the family environment. Aspects such as respect, tolerance and proper behavior are integral to healthy moral development. This is very important, both for the child and for those around him.

Keys to moral development in children

As we have seen,  the moral development of children is part of a process that begins at the age of six months.  For it to take place, it is essential that the parents and close family circle get involved with the child.

They must teach essential values ​​which will facilitate their integration into society.

The moral development of children is a process that involves socialization and learning the norms that govern society.

In this regard, there are several keys that parents and teachers must put into practice to ensure that their children develop optimal morale:

  • It is necessary to teach the rules and norms of behavior. Both at home and in a more open environment.
  • In order for the child to properly assimilate what has been taught, it is essential to explain to  him the reason why the rules exist.  As well as the consequences of not respecting them.
  • Learning should be encouraged through example. It is not enough for parents to talk to their children and tell them what is right and what is wrong. Leading by example is also necessary. Indeed, it is the most powerful form of learning that exists.
  • Also, it is important for  parents to remember that it is not easy for children to understand concepts such as compassion, respect and tolerance,  among others. It is therefore essential to teach them these values ​​through practice and example.

    In addition, the family environment should focus its efforts on  using praise that positively reinforces what the child is doing well.

    However, they also need to understand that actions have repercussions. Indeed, they must understand that the consequences are one of the best ways to develop a healthy morality.

    The moral development of children can be observed from the age of six months. 

    School and entourage in moral development

    It is certain that parents and closest family members play a fundamental role in the moral development of children. But it is also true that  school, as well as friends and classmates, is a key element in this process.

    When children start to grow up, they don’t always see their parents as benchmarks. It often happens that the social environment begins to deviate or distort the values ​​instilled in the child. Therefore, it is extremely important that parents are involved and attentive.

    Remember the importance of monitoring what children see in the media. Ideally, they should have access to content based on their age.

    Even if children sometimes want to imitate their idols – singers, actors, sportsmen – specialists think that this message is not powerful enough to modify the values ​​learned.

    “The development of morality depends largely on the rules instilled in the child in the family environment”

    Ultimately,  the moral development of children is a process that begins with socialization as well as the standards of behavior taught at home. School, as well as friends and peers, are also essential to this process.

    It is therefore fundamental that parents participate in all aspects of their children’s lives. Morality is essential for a good development of the child as an individual. Both professionally and from a community point of view.

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