6 Tips For Raising A Happy Child – Parenthood

6 tips for raising a happy child

Unfortunately, they are wrong. The idea that gifts replace emotional deficiencies is totally wrong. It’s great for kids to play and have fun, but their lives shouldn’t be based on that alone. And neither does ours.

There is a series of rules that we must take into account as parents. We are responsible for our children and we must not allow them to become worried adults. We need to encourage behavior that if we fall we can get up straight away.

Childhood is one of the most important times in a person’s life. It is at this time that memories and lessons are formed that will help to face the next day. To deprive them of this is an irresponsible and selfish act, while being harmful to our relationship with them.

Raising a happy child is being there

What most children in the world want is the attention of their parents. Toys and whims always come second when it comes to getting parental approval. They see us as their example to follow, their protectors, and that is why we must give them that confidence back.

mom and daughter

1. Motivate them to get the most out of themselves

If he’s good at an art or discipline, motivate him not to give it up. Every human being stands out in something different, and fostering these skills often opens many doors. In addition, do not forget that it is fundamental that the child wants to do it, because if we make it obligatory, we participate in making him unhappy.

2. Support him in his decisions

Your child will make good and bad decisions in his life. Rejoice with him for the good and suffer with him for the bad. Making mistakes is the best way to learn. Every time he crumbles, show him that nothing is happening and that next time he will do better.

There are parents who make a big deal out of it when their kids make a mistake. Wanting children to be perfect doesn’t boost their self-esteem. We are all human and we have the right to a second chance.

3. Listen to their opinions

Many parents believe that their children’s opinions are invalid just because they are children. It is a mistake. A child has the same capacity as an adult to assert and respect his ideas. According to the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, this is a fundamental and inalienable right.

Minors should be listened to, in particular with regard to parental decisions affecting them. While in the end you end up doing what’s best for them, be aware that they have a lot to say.

4. Teach him to be in contact with nature

Nowadays, most children prefer to stay at home with their computer or cell phone instead of playing outside. Encourage him to be in contact with nature willingly. Show him nice places to go for a picnic, take him for a walk, or encourage him to join an outdoor sport.

Clean air will benefit him, in addition to allowing him to meet new friends in parks or on sports teams. A child who loves nature is a child who will be happy and respect his environment.

baby plays in the grass

5. Be tough on him when you need to be.

Giving in to your child’s every whim is unreasonable. Many parents believe that this way they will get the favors from the child, but they are wrong. Raising a happy child does not mean raising a finicky child.

If your child is rude and mean, he must be scolded. There will be times when he will disobey or behave inappropriately with us or other people. This kind of behavior is intolerable, and he must understand that his actions are retaliatory.

6. Be sincere and honest

Sincerity and honesty are the basis of a healthy relationship in raising a happy child. Answer your child’s questions in an educational and objective manner, always considering it to be appropriate for their age. Each family is a world, so the decision varies between parents.

If we show ourselves as we are with our child, without lies between us, we will strengthen the relationship. He will know he can trust us and will not hesitate to ask us for advice when he needs it.

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