Emotional Development From The Moment Of Its Presence In The Mother’s Womb – Being Parents

Emotional development from its presence in the mother's womb

Stress – or the stress hormone called cortisol – has a lot of effects on us humans. Sometimes the effect caused by this hormone can save our species. Indeed, it keeps us attentive, but it can also have negative consequences.

It all depends on how much stress we usually have to deal with. If it is a lot, it can affect the baby in an unhealthy way. In some cases, mothers who are very anxious may have children who are hyperactive, anxious, or have difficulty learning.

It is natural that we have to deal with a little stress every day. However, subjecting your body to the destructive effects of high dose cortisol hurts both of you.

Today, pediatricians, obstetricians, psychologists, neurologists and psychiatrists, among other specialists, agree that prenatal anxiety levels in pregnant women do not only affect the baby’s life. in the womb, but also his future as an individual.

“We are a product of the history of our development in the womb”

-Vivette Glover, psychobiologist at Imperial College London-

Pregnancy without anxiety

Science, and psychoanalysis in particular, have already discovered what happens during the first stage of motherhood. There are many circumstances that can affect the psychology of the child in a positive or negative way – depending on each case. It has also been known for years that these circumstances have potential long-term effects on the psychology of the child. But today, scientists have realized that these interactions simply do not start at birth. They actually start in the womb.

A group of researchers led by Vivette Glover, a psychobiologist at Imperial College London, conducted a study on 14,000 pregnant women. They have they measured their anxiety level during pregnancy. These measurements confirmed that mothers who had a higher level of anxiety are twice as likely to conceive children who will have attention problems and other disorders, such as hyperactivity. This is not an exact rule, however, there is more and more evidence. This evidence indicates that stress affects children as soon as they are in the womb. It is for this reason that we must try to have a peaceful pregnancy.

The baby receives the energies of your body and these participate in his emotional development

Your child’s emotional intelligence starts in your womb

Your partner can help you feel happy, make him or her participate in your pregnancy! Often, society itself tends to leave fathers behind. They feel ignored and this feeling – often misunderstood – can make the relationship more difficult between you two.

According to the study, this goes so far that many men wonder if their wives will continue to love them after the baby is born. And maybe it does, because the focus of many women is on the baby. Without wanting to, they would then leave their couple aside for a bit.

The time of pregnancy should be the start of forming a team of at least three people if this is your first pregnancy. This team should be made up of you, the mom, the baby, and the dad, if you have a spouse. Your partner can be of great help to you in dealing with your emotions during pregnancy. It can itself, like your friends, be an ointment on everyday stress.

Mom and dad are both there for the baby

The effectiveness of psychological support

There is another effective strategy for taking care of your emotional health and that of your baby at the same time. It consists of seeking help to reduce your stress, anxiety or depression. You have to try to see your health in a holistic way. You will see that what is important is to play sports and eat well. Then, it’s also about nourishing your days with healthy emotions, which also nourish your baby.

When women first arrive at the maternity hospital, healthcare professionals should ask them how they are feeling emotionally. For example in relation to their relationships, their family, and whether it supports them or not. And if they find out that there may be problems, they should find people who can help them. Just asking them questions and leaving them to their fate is not a solution. This is why we need more resources, and better prepared professionals who can help women in matters where they need it.

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