Why It’s Bad To Let The Baby Cry All Night – You Are Mom

Why it's bad to let the baby cry all night

In this article, we will look at some important reasons why it is bad to let the baby cry. However, as parents you will obviously have the final say.

Let the baby cry, yes or no?

The language of our child in his early stages will only manifest itself in the form of crying. The child will cry to express his fears, or his need for affection and attention. Crying will tell parents if he is sleepy or hungry. In other words, they will signal any feeling of discomfort or the need for attention.

“Crying is sometimes a way to express things that cannot be expressed in words”

– Concepción Arenal-

If we understand that crying is telling us that something is happening to our child, we will not see it as something he needs to get used to. Rather, we will give it the attention it asks for.

Of course, it is true that some children cry more than others. Therefore, parents will be in the best position to respond to this mode of expression of their baby.

Letting the baby cry can mean ignoring their needs.

The consequences of letting the baby cry

Crying is the child’s means of communication. Therefore, when not responded to quickly, it causes feelings of danger, mistrust and fear in the child. This can therefore make the child less intelligent, less healthy, more anxious and uncooperative. In addition, it can damage his ability to communicate with others, even in the long term.

When the baby cries at night, he is helpless and the only thing that calls out is his mother’s breast or his father’s hug. So fulfilling his request will make him happy. And it will help him trust others, especially his family.

It has also been found that when a baby is under a lot of stress, it can damage the synapses between neurons.  This is because it causes the release of a hormone called cortisol in excess, which could damage the formation of neurons.

Also, high levels of this hormone can cause involuntary vomiting. To counter all these substances, others are released. Among them are endorphins, which reduce the stress of the baby. It is therefore normal for the baby to drop his arms and fall asleep after he stops crying.

When crying triggers temper tantrums

This can be a problem when the child gets used to crying to get whatever he wants and uses the infamous temper tantrums to his advantage. Therefore, when it comes to not letting the baby cry, the judgment of parents comes into play when it comes to seeing what happens to their child. The latter may not be so dependent and can express himself other than crying.

“The one who often cries profusely is also able to laugh with intensity the next moment”

– Oscar Wilde-

So there will be times when logic and reason mean that you cannot immediately satisfy these crying. For example, if you drive a car or need to take care of other important issues.

As it grows, the little one will have to get used to the fact that one cannot always be satisfied right away. And little by little he will develop the patience and other qualities necessary in adulthood.

What is clear, therefore, is a baby’s urgent need to calm crying and feel safe and supported by parents. When the child meets this need, it will give them the confidence and support they need to grow up in a healthy, safe and happy way.

Letting the baby cry can mean ignoring their needs.
So, to answer the question: should we let the baby cry? Now you have the pros and cons.

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