Being A Mother And Studying At The Same Time – Being Parents

Being a mother and studying at the same time

It’s never too late to achieve the goals we set for ourselves in life. Starting from this premise,  many mothers decide to give it a go and continue their university studies or have a second career. Besides that, they fulfill their role of mother. Is it possible to be a mother and study at the same time?

If you are evaluating this possibility or even if you have already started this project, you must learn not to listen to the pessimist who will tell you that it is not possible, that you will not be able to meet the deadlines or that you will end up. killing yourself, not literally of course, on the job.

Although you already know it, you shouldn’t let these ideas get you down. No one knows your abilities, your strength of character, and the circumstances that make your goal possible better than you. However, it should be emphasized that this is not a simple goal. Being a mother and studying at the same time requires a lot of sacrifice and collaboration.

How to be a mother and study at the same time?

A lot of women can get dizzy at the thought of wondering. It makes sense, not all children are the same, and not all mothers go through a period in which they can have the leisure to set such a goal. However, anything is possible with organization and consistency. Do you want to know some details that should be taken into account before starting the adventure? We show you some of them.

1. Organization and discipline

Obviously, the hours of tranquility and concentration will not be very numerous. This is why it is essential that the student take advantage of the small free moments that she has to progress with her homework, study and attend the classes she must follow.

What are these moments? In the morning, for example. Many mothers leave their children in daycare to work, and a person who studies can perfectly well do the same. In fact, there are scholarships that open the doors of private or public daycare centers in many countries.

On the other hand, you can count on the help of your family at times. Before exams or on very specific dates, you can seek help from grandparents or uncles and aunts. Logically, you should also take advantage of the moments when the baby is with his father.

Being a mother and studying

2. Be prepared to make sacrifices

A task of this magnitude will be twice as rewarding once it is completed, there is no doubt about it. On the other hand, great efforts will have to be made along the way. It will also be necessary to leave things aside. For example, in this many cases, a mom cannot keep pace with her comrades who are 100% dedicated to studies. This, on the academic side, as well as on the leisure side. Festivities and celebrations typical of universities will be excluded.

In addition, be aware that studies take a large part of a person’s free time. This translates into less physical activity, but above all, don’t give it up completely, fewer films, series or outings and, unfortunately, less time spent with the family.

3. The importance of taking breaks

So many responsibilities can tire you out and lead to a difficult pace of life. Therefore, you need to set realistic goals and incorporate mandatory breaks into your routines.

They are the fuel you need to face your challenges energetically, and they are essential for your health. If you don’t, you risk getting sick or dropping out of school sooner or later.

4. Conviction and demands in accordance with your principles

First of all, when you are in doubt as to whether or not you will achieve a goal, you must be convinced that what you are doing is a symbol of bravery and self-esteem. If you take on a challenge and work towards it, there is no doubt that you will not succeed.

On the other hand, being a mother and studying will prevent you from discarding in all areas. Don’t pressure yourself or blame yourself for it: take things calmly and remember that not everyone reacts the same way. Don’t compare yourself with anyone, just be the best version of yourself.

Being a mother and studying

5. Enjoy your family

It is perfectly understandable that you want to do your best with your studies. This should not prevent you from enjoying your children and your spouse. In these cases you should avoid falling into the two negative extremes.

  • It is not possible to be 100% dedicated to your family life and its well-being. Goals and life plans should not be overlooked. Therefore, do not beat yourself up.
  • Your obligations shouldn’t prevent you from wanting to take advantage of the people you care about. The key is balance: you will find time for everyone.

In addition to applying these tips, you should feel at peace with yourself and enjoy the life you have. If you are studying or decide to stop studying because of outside pressure or criticism you may receive, you would be wrong. No one knows your priorities and your desires better than you: devote yourself to them thoroughly!

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