Having A Coffee With Other Mothers Is Essential – Being Parents

Having coffee with other mothers is essential

Even under the best of conditions, every mother finds herself confronted with changes and problems on a daily basis. Stress is a natural reaction against physical, emotional and environmental pressures. Plus, it hurts the whole family when mom’s stress gets out of hand, especially toddlers. It has been shown that even fetuses are disturbed when they feel the stress of the mother.

Stress in itself is not negative. Experts in the field assure that it is important to have an optimal level of stress. This, to give us energy, without harming us, which is strongly linked to the tolerance threshold that each individual has.

Usually, all mothers have the feeling that there are not enough hours in a day. They spend their time running only to be late and it is very difficult to manage to reconcile a family life and a job. This phenomenon is better known as burnout syndrome.

We realize that educating and raising our children from birth until they become successful adults involves many challenges for many of us such as:

  • Feeling very tired but not knowing how to identify it and manage the emotions it involves
  • The difficulty in matching our character to that of our child
  • The inability to reconcile motherhood with the life you dreamed of having
  • Disagreements with our partner
  • The specific conflicts that each stage of our child’s development brings
  • The collapse of the perfect mother figure
  • The feeling of guilt that accompanies each of our decisions
  • The fear of failing

For this it is necessary to raise awareness, the ideal is to create a suitable and respectful space. A space in which, thanks to the history of each mother and the sharing of common experiences, learning the behaviors to adopt is enriched with new techniques for everyday conflicts.

It is a group of exchange and discussion about motherhood as an individual experience, this type of group is called the “Baby Café”.

Having coffee with other mothers is essential

What is a Baby Café?

The Baby Cafes were born in hospitals in the United Kingdom, where spaces developed in which breastfeeding mothers could meet to breastfeed their babies and share their experiences. The public can receive medical advice on the benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby.

It is important that the Baby Café takes place in a non-medical, calm, informal, safe and child-friendly environment. A place where it would be normal to breastfeed and take care of your child.

In addition, it is beneficial for mothers to know other women who are breastfeeding or are mothers. In any case, the possibility of free access to this space as well as the encouragement of the entourage which makes its establishment possible is essential.

Unfortunately, we do not find this type of groups in all cities, let alone if they are small. The best alternative is to have coffee with other mothers around you with whom you share the same vision of motherhood.

However, being able to stay with a friend who has not yet become a mother is something very beneficial in giving you a breath of fresh air on a daily basis.

Have coffee with other mothers

Whether we like it or not, there comes a time when we have children when motherhood takes up a lot of our time. We leave out topics that may be important to people in general. In many cases, motherhood takes us away from our friends who have not yet become mothers.

It doesn’t have to mean that we don’t have anything in common, we can have thousands. Changes in our lifestyle can affect the relationship we had. When we become mothers our priorities may change and our children may take the lead.

However, our friends are important and it is very healthy to have time to spend with them.

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