An Unexpected Invention: The Cool-down Bottle – Parenthood

An unexpected invention: the cool-down bottle

Do not admit defeat! The educator Maria Montessori provided us with an unexpected invention: the cool-down bottle, a device created to relax children in times of stress.

And do not imagine that this is a miracle benefiting only children: when our little ones are calmer, so are the adults.

Children’s anger is normal at a certain age. But when they become too frequent, we start to worry and despair.

At times like these, it’s hard to control your emotions and annoyance. This is why we often come to give in to whims, for lack of knowing how to react.

To help us face this dreadful anger, there are all kinds of techniques and advice. The methods we will use are those which have a practical side, which have a good reputation and which have proven their usefulness.

It is important to remember that this anger is normal at a certain age, but that it can become real behavioral problems. In both cases, the cool-down bottle will allow you to manage these temporary situations, the origin of which will have been identified.

Example of a cool-down bottle

What you need to know about the cool down bottle

Maria Montessori is the pedagogue who conceived the educational method that bears her name. This method is based on different activities and modalities. Its aim is to encourage the development of children without resorting to punishment, but by harnessing their potential.

We know that there are a lot of things that children don’t understand because they don’t yet have the same coping skills as an adult or the same ease of communication. This is why the little ones sometimes act in a way that seems incomprehensible to us and which destabilizes us. And for lack of knowing how to react, we get angry.

The cool-down bottle is one of the inventions of the Montessori method. It is designed for children between the ages of two and six.

Studies show that this bottle helps little ones stay entertained and focused. Of course, you must have previously explained to him what it is for.

A concentrated little girl with her cool down bottle

How to make a cool down bottle?

One of the great advantages of the Cool Down Bottle is that you can make it yourself at home. For that, we need material.

  • A transparent bottle or jar with a lid, preferably plastic so that the object does not break when falling.
  • 1 or 2 scoops of clear glue containing glitter or something that glitters. You can put a few spoonfuls or the amount you want.
  • In addition to the glitter contained in the glue, you can add 3 or 4 additional small spoons of a complementary color.
  • A little dye in your child’s favorite color or the color they identify with.
  • Shampoo, preferably for children or neutral. Glycerin can also be used.
  • Hot water.
  • A silicone gun.
  • Silicone.

How to do ?

  • We fill the bottle with all the elements. The quantities must adapt to the size of the container. It is important not to fill the jar to the top to leave a space of a little more than a centimeter.
  • You can also add small toys, such as small boats, geometric figures or little hearts. In this case, you must be careful not to put too much so that they are clearly distinguished in the jar.
  • We mix all the elements and we make sure to seal the lid with silicone so that the child cannot open it.

When the cool-down bottle is done right, the different elements move around in the jar in a very interesting way. This is because shampoo, water, and glue have different densities. They do not mix and flow at varying speeds, creating movement.

The benefits of the cool-down bottle

The cool-down bottle has many advantages, because it allows the child to regain his usual rhythm and energy. To use it, the child shakes the jar and observes the movement of the elements, which allows him to stay focused.

The cool-down bottle is ideal when you want to complete a task that partially requires your attention, but it is particularly recommended in cases of severe anger. We can make it a kind of penalty: the child must use it if he wants to continue a conversation on a healthy basis with those around him.

Other advantages:

  • Its use stimulates the ability to concentrate.
  • It stabilizes the energy of the child.
  • The movements of the elements in the bottle relax the mind and prepare for sleep.
  • It is useful during long trips and times when the child is forced to wait patiently.
  • It works on restless, even hyperactive children.

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