How To Avoid The Fall Of A Baby? – Being Parents

How to avoid the fall of a baby?

You drop your baby. Right before it hits the ground you wish with all your might for time to stop, as if you could rewind and go back. A few seconds would suffice… But this is the real world, not a movie. And better to be safe than sorry. So how do you prevent a baby from falling?

A baby on the floor! How to avoid falls?

It is almost impossible to prevent a fall of a 1 year old child who is learning to walk, run, climb and do pirouettes. On the other hand, we can avoid the falls of a baby who still spends almost all of his time in his mother’s arms.

We advise you to pay attention to all of the following.

Never leave him alone on the bed

No one wants a baby to fall to the ground. However, the fall of a baby very often comes from stupid accidents which could be avoided. For example, a baby often falls because his parents left him alone on a bed.

Many mothers put their babies on the bed to change, dress them or put clean sheets in the cradle… They do not always have everything they need and they leave their babies alone on the blanket for a few seconds.

As the child does not know how to turn and barely moves, his mother does not imagine that he will fall in a few seconds. Yet her baby can surprise her.

Looking around for his mother, or something that just caught his attention, he turns around unwittingly. At this moment, there is no point in the mother running back. The baby will fall.

A fallen baby

Dear mom, if you want to avoid falls, never leave your baby alone on your bed.

Give him a bath in a safe place

Bath time is also conducive to falling babies. It is thus easy to let a small slippery body of soap escape from your hands which does not cease to stir. It is a real danger.

This is why, to prevent a baby from falling, it is better to give him a bath in a safe place.

In the old days, when there was no bathroom in every house, babies were cleaned on the beds. Nowadays, it may seem outdated, but it is still one of the safest methods.

Cover your bed with a plastic sheet to prevent it from getting wet. Then, put a basin on the bed and provide yourself with a pitcher with lukewarm water and shower gel for babies. At least if your baby slips out of your hands, he’s not going to fall on the floor.

When he is in your arms, pay attention to him

This is our last tip. We often tend to do other things when we hold our baby in our arms. Of course, more than a trend, it is often a necessity.

The mothers of today are no longer the mistresses of the house of yesterday. It is not always easy to take care of household chores, yourself and your baby, not to mention the rest.

A crying baby kissed by his mom

When you have to do other things with the baby in your arms, never forget to pay attention to the baby. Its very important.

How to react after the fall of a baby?

If your baby falls for some reason, you need to know how to respond. We give you some tips:

Examine it. If he has a sore and starts to bleed, wash the wound with a piece of gauze and take him to the emergency room. If it has a lump, put ice to reduce the abscess.

Kiss him, hug him, sing him a lullaby… When you are not feeling well, you fall and you are in pain, you like to be taken care of, don’t you? ? It is the same with your child.

Pick it up, but don’t shake it. If he has a lesion, it can become more serious if you shake him.

Observe him carefully for the next few hours. You know that doctors sometimes keep patients “under observation”. It’s not for nothing. If your baby has hit his head and has a traumatic brain injury, you will see these symptoms: vomiting, loss of consciousness, seizures, nosebleeds, and more.

If you notice anything, take it to your pediatrician immediately.

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