Transmitting To Children The Desire To Surpass Themselves – Being Parents

Transmit to children the desire to surpass themselves

Children tend to give up when they cannot draw a certain drawing or construct the figure with the pieces from their game crate. Apparently this is normal and happens to them more than once.

However, as parents, it is our job to  encourage them to fight to the end for what they want. It consists of transmitting to children the desire to surpass themselves.

It is always good not to look down on children. However, getting them into the habit of giving up halfway through what they started is not the best solution either.

Another alternative that is also not recommended is to finish in the place of the child. So what is the correct message? Easy:  “he who perseveres, succeeds”.

Be aware that your children’s future can be influenced by  this magical lesson that encourages them not to give up. Perseverance, surpassing oneself and optimism are values ​​that must be present in the minds of the children of every house.

Today’s child is under constant pressure

Today’s world is very technical. Today’s difficulties have nothing to do with artistic and athletic abilities alone. Let us now add the need to learn to master  new technologies  and to adapt to them.

Therefore,  it is fundamental to teach children to deal with emotions. Especially the frustration when something is wrong. The goal is to grow children with emotional intelligence to overcome small disagreements.

Let them know that in life there are many opportunities and mistakes make us better and allow us to achieve further success.

The desire to surpass themselves is a value that every child should learn at home.

It is also important that children  see their parents doing whatever they put in place.

However, not knowing how to handle it can frustrate any child if they observe that their results are not the same. Allowing surrender and pushing for things to be perfect are destructive positions.

Our message should be a message of motivation, support and leadership

However, what we tell the child when he feels he has missed something is very important. A personal anecdote that tells the little one that  accomplishments are gradual and require consistency  is a great idea.

An additional aspect, just as fundamental, is the management of the emotions of the child in relation to his  small frustrations. He must be able to express what he thinks and  we have a duty to listen to him carefully. Otherwise, the frustration will increase and this will encourage the child to drop halfway.

Listening directly as well as a good argument will promote what we commonly call: motivation. The ideas will come again and the children will come back.

Our goal is to invite them to try again and again until they feel good about themselves. On the other hand, it is necessary that they know when to give up. You need to let them know that extremes are harmful.

Transmit to children the desire to surpass themselves: highlight their progress

“Mom, I want to draw but I have no ideas”. The child observes that his drawing does not look like what he wanted. So he leaves the sheet of paper on the side, annoyed. He’s definitely stuck because the end result isn’t what he imagined. At this point,  we have to explain to him how success works.

Indeed, children must begin to internalize the idea that any process of learning and achievement  is gradual. Only through practice will they achieve their goals.

Whenever they try again,  encourage them and give them constructive criticism. They can then continue with a good disposition until the end.

The desire to surpass oneself is learned gradually, by making mistakes and trying.

The importance of letting children do their homework

In order to transmit to children the desire to surpass themselves, it is necessary to let them do their homework. In case the tasks are more complex,  it makes sense to accompany and help them. 

However, our intervention should not end their participation in the process. During easy tasks, it is a good idea to watch them and let them finish.

Children whose parents do their homework are not responsible. They also do not learn to deal with situations adequately. They will be people with little persistence who will  seek the support of others to escape realities,  and especially to make an effort.

Finally, to transmit to children the desire to surpass themselves, we must  set our own example of perseverance. After all, what can we expect from them if we adults throw in the towel?

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