Yoga In The Classroom: Keys And Benefits – Parenthood

Yoga in the classroom: keys and benefits

The practice of yoga has many scientifically proven benefits for the physical and mental health of children and adults. But what are the benefits of practicing yoga in the classroom?

For starters, it’s important to keep in mind that different research has shown that yoga in the classroom can have many benefits for children. First of all, the benefit that may seem the most obvious relates to well-being.

In addition, practicing yoga in school can also help children improve their grades. On the other hand, teachers can also benefit from this practice.

A class doing sports.

The benefits of yoga in the classroom

School yoga has been shown to be beneficial for both children and adolescents. For example, yoga in the classroom not only promotes processes related to self-esteem and self-confidence, but also helps regulate stress and improve concentration. This has very positive consequences on the learning process.

More specifically, the main benefits for children of practicing yoga in the classroom are as follows:

  • It reduces stress and anxiety. The desire to excel and show their worth, added to the pressure exerted by their environment, makes children very stressed. Yoga helps to stop mental speech and to live fully in the present moment, to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as to find peace.
  • Improved memory and attention span. Yoga helps improve memory function in adults and children. It also helps improve children’s attention span and concentration.
  • Improvement of school results. By being calmer and more focused, with less stress, children have the opportunity to devote more resources to their studies. This considerably improves their academic results.
  • A more active life. Children spend a lot of time sitting in class. The practice of yoga therefore helps them to break the cycle of sedentary lifestyle and to acquire healthy habits.
  • Improved posture. One of the problems with sitting in non-ergonomic chairs for a long time is that it can lead to poor posture. The practice of yoga therefore helps children acquire healthy postures.

    Other benefits …

    • Learn breathing techniques. Breathing is vital for life. Breathing techniques, by themselves, help children gain more control. They also help them relax and oxygenate their brain.
    • Promote mindfulness. Consciousness means being in the present. The mindfulness helps them focus on what they do and appreciate the qualities and possibilities they have at every moment. It reduces stress and anxiety. Learning these techniques gives teachers the opportunity to help a child who is having a hard time or to calm the class in a situation of group disruption.
    • Yoga improves self-control. In classrooms, many problems that arise are due to self-control issues in children. Teaching yoga techniques helps teachers maintain order and children improve attitudes and relationships. Indeed, as children progress in their yoga practice, they will have more control over themselves.

      kids doing yoga

      • Improve coping skills. Children face a multitude of stressful situations and the practice of yoga teaches them how to cope and manage stress properly.
      • Improve the immune system. Regular yoga practice improves immunity. This helps them to be better prepared for different illnesses.
      • Improved quality of sleep. Children need a lot of sleep and a good night’s sleep. Indeed, by promoting a calmer life, they are more relaxed at bedtime. This not only helps them to go to bed earlier, but also helps them sleep much better.

      Teachers also benefit from yoga in the classroom

      Practicing yoga in the classroom also has many benefits for teachers. On the one hand, if students are calmer and more attentive, teachers can do their jobs better. This will help them feel more empowered and engage in their work.

      On the other hand, teachers who do yoga with their students develop a closer bond with them. This facilitates the creation of a climate of greater trust. Additionally, teachers can achieve the same physical and emotional benefits as children.

      Now that you know the many benefits of yoga in the classroom, what are you waiting for to do it with your students?

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