What Does A Teenage Girl In Love Look Like? – Being Parents

What does a teenage girl in love look like?

Adolescence is the stage during which young people discover, among other things, the great adventure of youth: first love. This is of course something that both boys and girls experience. In this article, however, we will focus on the specific case of a teenage girl in love.

Teenage girls are swept away in a  whirlwind of physical and mental emotions and sensations. These situations are sometimes difficult to deal with from an emotional point of view. This is the case with his first love experiences.

As a parent, you shouldn’t downplay the feelings your daughter may be experiencing. Whether her relationship only lasts a week, a month or a year, we advise you not to judge her and to let her come to you if she wants to talk to you. Know that feelings of love  are an important part of the lives of teenage girls.

Teenage first love

It is said that first loves are the best, or at least, the  ones that are remembered forever. Without generalizing, we would dare to say that the first loves are the most innocent and the most authentic. They bring experience, discoveries. They are also filled with passion and leave a mark on young people.

Falling in love is an emotional disorder at any age. On the other hand, in adolescents, feelings are likely to be more difficult to deal with.

The first loves in adolescence are very intense and leave a mark. This is why parents should understand that although these romances do not last long or seem to be based on aesthetic criteria, they are very intense. They are very important to them.

It is for this reason that the break-ups of the first romantic relationships  are particularly painful  for the person. The latter feels hurt, betrayed, abandoned or rejected.

a teenage couple

What are the symptoms of a teenage girl in love?

There are signs that cannot be deceived. Here are the most obvious symptoms that recur in a teenage girl in love.

  • It improves his physical appearance.
    You may observe that your daughter is spending more time than usual in the bathroom getting ready and that she is developing an interest in makeup. From now on, she will want to offer her best version of herself.
  • She is permanently hooked to her cell phone.
    It is common to see that the teenager spends hours near her cell phone exchanging text messages with her new conquest.
  • She locks herself in her room when she receives phone calls.
    Logical consequence of the previous symptom, the teenager will spend hours in her room on the phone. We advise you not to invade her space when she seeks these moments of intimacy.
  • Lack of appetite.
    It is frequent that the first loves are lived with so much passion that they cause a lack of appetite. Be patient, this is normal.
  • Spends a lot of time away from home.
    This new relationship makes your teenage daughter want to spend as much time as possible with her boyfriend. As a result, she is not often at home.
  • Listens to love songs constantly.
    This last symptom is a classic that betrays his condition. If you find that your daughter is showing the previous symptoms, and besides, she constantly listens to love songs, it is clear that she is in love.

A couple

Respect your daughter’s decision

We recommend that you do not judge his decision and respect it. Otherwise, we could cause estrangement in the relationship. You need to show him that you are a responsible, respectful and loving person.

In addition, you should be able to answer any questions your daughter asks you. It requires attention and acceptance. Keep calm during these times. Indeed, if you are too worried, it will prevent you from listening to him and offering him the appropriate advice.

In addition,  we recommend that you share your own youthful experiences on dating and friendship. This will help him understand that it is normal at this age to wander off in his feelings.


Ultimately, it is not easy to accept the changes that occur at this stage. You may feel a longing to be able to walk into your loving teenage girl’s life, even though she wants to maintain her first love in a more reserved way.

If you want her to share her feelings with you, it’s important to take the above tips into account.

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