The Second Month Of Baby’s Life: Knowing Your Body – Being Parents

Baby's second month: knowing your body

In the baby’s second month of life, you will see how his senses will start to coordinate and he will be much more active than before, when he was sleeping all day. This is an ideal step to start interacting with and stimulating him.

This period causes great enthusiasm among parents, as they will see a marked advance in the development of the baby. He will make his first sounds, hear voices and noises, and be much more attentive to what is going on around him. However, he will not be able to identify the sources of sound or light.

Characteristics of a two-month-old baby

Your child will have the following characteristics during this phase of his life:

  • He will have the ability to keep his neck straight for a while.
  • He will be able to move his eyes and head to accompany the movements of something or someone.
  • He will show his first smile and many more will come… don’t forget to immortalize them!
  • He will move his limbs, but will not have enough coordination to grab objects.
  • As much as possible, breast milk should be the sole source of nutrition, unless certain circumstances require the incorporation of formula.
  • His elimination rate might change a bit. It may even take up to five days without a bowel movement, but that’s okay. This is because breast milk hardly causes any waste to be eliminated. On the other hand, if he takes formula, he will be likely to defecate more frequently.

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Changes in the baby’s body in the second month of life

In terms of feeding, the average frequency for two-month-old babies is around 5 to 6 feeds per day of around 150 to 180 milliliters each.

While it may depend on other factors, such as the week of pregnancy they were born in, birth weight and height, or gender, a two-month-old baby can weigh between 4 and 6.5 pounds. The average size varies between 53 and 60 centimeters.

Regarding his motor skills, he will be able to incorporate new movements as he gains coordination and strength in his muscles. He is learning to control his body, he could lift his head slightly when lying on his stomach, leaning on his arms. He will also be able to keep his head straight if you sit him down.

As his vision improves, he will be able to distinguish his parents. It will cause a smile every now and then. In addition, he will react when he sees his mother’s bottle or breast. In this sense, you will notice that he will already have more breastfeeding experience, so that the breastfeeding periods will be shorter and more effective.

It is important to note that when we talk about the development of babies, we take into account general markers. Each will have its own progress and its own rate of growth.

Advice for parents during the second month of the baby’s life

  1. It is essential that you always keep in mind and adhere to the vaccination schedule. His immune system is still vulnerable, so he needs these doses to stay out of harm’s way. Remember that getting vaccines can cause a fever within hours.
  2. Always try to keep an eye on it, even when you put it on the bed or on the changing table. Some babies can be very restless, and although they cannot stand, they can turn and move around when they are lying down. Be very careful to avoid these types of accidents.
  3. Regarding hygiene, it is important to change your diaper often to avoid irritation of your private parts. It is best to clean with damp cloths. Something very positive about this stage is that he will enjoy the baths more, which you can give him every day or every other day, if good hygiene is maintained in his genital area. Experts have mixed opinions on this subject.

baby with blue eyes

Stimulation of a two month old baby

The second month of the baby’s life is a very fertile stage for stimulation, because he will be more and more in contact with his environment and he will bring people and objects together. It is essential that you take advantage of his growing awakening moments to talk to him, stroke him and show him the world around him. Let him touch you, explore your body and his.

When you lay him down, place him on his back with an object hanging above it. This will help him identify it, focus his eyes, and recognize colors, sounds and movements. You can also take him for a walk. He is discovering the outside world, help him to realize it fully.

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