Why Is It Good To Teach Babies To Smile? – Being Parents

Why is it good to teach babies to smile?

Smiling is a sign of happiness and satisfaction. In addition, laughter has countless health benefits. It is important to teach babies to smile, because it will allow them to improve their relations with  the  other  and  be  more  happy.

From birth to the first month of life, smiling is just a reflex to attract attention. From the second month, babies begin to show emotions through laughter.

So how do you get that beautiful smile?  What are the advantages ? You will find the answers to these questions below.

How do you teach babies to smile?

Even from the womb, babies are able to smile. They also continue to do this after birth. However, they do it for you to see them and take care of them. So they don’t differentiate between smiling and crying.

However, little by little you can teach babies to smile. Indeed, it is not difficult to do it. It is especially important not to overdo it.

It’s so easy to make little ones smile that you might get carried away and make them laugh so much that they will go from laughing to tears in seconds. It happens because, not knowing how to control their laughter, they can despair.

Now that we have commented on the peculiarities of this reaction, we list some ways to make the little ones laugh:

Create physical contact

There are nerve points on the body that cause laughter. These are activated by touch, through the famous tickling. So if you want to make your baby laugh, this is a really easy way to do it.


Who has never hid behind his hands when seeing a baby, only to cry “surprise!” ? Their reaction to this simple act causes us great joy. This is something you can do as many times as you want, because they will never get bored.

Toys are a great way to teach babies to smile.

Make sounds with a toy

When your little one hears weird but funny noises,  like when you move a rattle toy, it creates a feeling that they don’t understand, but it makes them laugh.

In front of the mirror

If you place your baby in front of the mirror, you will immediately see a smile forming on their face. The reason is that the little one is simply happy when he observes that someone is doing the same movements as him on the other side of the mirror.

Give the example

The best way to teach babies to smile is by smiling at yourself first. When the children see that you are happy, they are happy too.

To achieve this, you can smile while you say sweet words to them. You will immediately be able to see how their face lights up and they send back that long awaited smile at you.

What are the benefits of smiling for babies?

The effects of this reaction are good for you and the little ones in the family. These advantages are as follows:

  • Smiling improves self-esteem and self-confidence. This is because, often, the reason for smiling is that it has accomplished something.
  • It strengthens the immune system. Endorphins, the happiness hormones released by laughter, regulate the immune system. The smile thus prevents the little ones from easily falling ill.
  • Laughter also has calming qualities. It can relieve the headache. And, in the case of your baby, it can make him forget the shock of a fall.
  • It promotes retention,  improves concentration and helps children behave well.
  • Laughter helps maintain good social relationships. No one likes spending time with a bitter person.

Teaching babies to smile is very important for their development.

  • It reduces daily stress and tension. It also helps to tolerate shameful moments.
  • Babies  also use  laughter so that you don’t get mad at them when they do something wrong. 
  • The brain gets oxygen,  which promotes imagination and learning.
  • To smile, you have to put into action 12 muscles of the face, in addition to those of the abdomen. In other words, it’s almost like exercising. By teaching babies to smile, you are helping them be healthy children.

Smiling is a means of communication. Indeed, when you smile, you transmit your emotions to others. At the same time, you bring joy to those around you. For this and for all the reasons mentioned above, it is important to teach babies to smile. Keep these tips in mind and enjoy the beautiful smile of your little ones!

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