Caring For A Premature Baby At Home – Being Parents

Caring for a Premature Baby at Home

The amazing lives of premature babies who have miraculously recovered have shown the world that love is the most powerful ingredient in caring for a preterm baby.

Although sometimes the step of caring for a baby at home can strain your nerves, have faith in yourself. Everything will be for the best for everyone.

Consider the following story. A premature baby released from the hospital is always almost fully recovered. So, from home, you can provide them with the care they need to develop normally.

At this age, the prematurely born baby can already regulate his body temperature and no longer needs to be placed in an incubator. It can also feed on its own and can reach a weight of up to two kilograms.

It goes without saying that a mother’s love is the baby’s best ally. However, it is necessary that everyone at home follow a few rules and a regular medical check-up during the baby’s first year of life to ensure that he is developing well.

Baby in su cunita

Home care

There are a series of general measures, especially concerning hygiene. They should be taken into account immediately after the baby is born. All the more so for a premature baby whose health can prove to be more fragile during the first years of his life.

The first step to take concerns the toilet. It is essential to wash your hands before picking up the baby. Especially if you come from outside where most of the time viruses and bacteria proliferate that can infect the baby. Everyone should remember to wash their hands before touching a newborn baby.

Another important measure is not to allow smoking in the vicinity of the infant and to protect him from smoky environments.

It is also necessary that during the baby’s first year, avoid that the baby is in contact with sick people, toys or potentially contaminated objects. It is important to avoid closed places with a lot of people, such as supermarkets or daycare centers.

Pay attention to the temperature of the environment where the baby is. The ideal room temperature is around 22 degrees Celsius. At a lower temperature, the baby expends too much energy to maintain body heat.

The ideal temperature for a premature baby is 22 degrees Celsius

Positioning the infant on his back to sleep is another essential measure in caring for the premature baby, especially since newborns usually sleep between 16 and 18 hours a day, sometimes more for premature babies. 

To make him sleep, put the baby on his back, making sure that there are no toys or unusual objects in the crib.

What does a premature baby need?

Although you must follow certain health rules and precautions to maintain the health of the premature baby, it will be beneficial for him to go out for a walk with his parents. Try to take him out for fresh air, far from closed places or crowded places where certain viruses can spread.

Always have your pediatrician’s number handy. This will allow you to consult him in the slightest doubt if you are concerned about your baby, for example if he is showing difficulty in breathing, in the event of blue stains, fever or hypothermia.

It is also necessary that you pay attention to his behavior and consult the pediatrician when the baby cries for no apparent reason, if he refuses to eat or if there is no visual response from him.

Keep in mind that premature babies need regular medical attention. 

In addition to the care described above, it is important that you regularly bring him to see the doctor to examine how:

  • his sight and hearing
  • his central nervous system (which can be assessed by smiling responses, his ability to sit, walk, etc.)

If you notice any learning problem, hyperactivity and attention deficit disorders, language difficulties … it can be followed by a neuro-pediatrician and specialized centers for children.

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