Why Is It Good For Children To Play In The Park? – Being Parents

Why is it good for children to play in the park?

While it’s not as usual as it was when you were growing up, it’s good to get out there and let the kids play in the park. They clear their minds, they meet other children and have fun. However, this simple hobby is very valuable today. Indeed, it is  less and less common with the comfort offered by electronic devices  and in general, the relationship we have with technology.

It is good for children to play in the park since they can run, scream, laugh and feel “free”. At the moment, they are playing. Later they will have fond memories of those times behind a tree playing hide and seek, or just sitting under the ground watching ants.

It is good that children play in the park for all the benefits it brings to them

Although you may not have realized it, outdoor games and contact with nature positively contribute to the development of children. Discover some of the benefits:

Play in the park

It promotes physical exercise

Most of the structures found in the parks are designed to improve the physical development of the child. For example, they reinforce each of its ends. They keep children active, which allows the proper functioning of their cardiovascular system. In addition, they develop their motor skills.

It develops children’s creativity

It is good for children to play in the park as it encourages them to develop their creativity. Open spaces where there is nothing organized encourage their imagination. It stimulates their curiosity. This forces them to come up with ideas for games and activities. It helps them make decisions and solve difficulties. Because of the size of the green spaces in the parks, they are the ones who set the limits.

It improves mental health

Outdoor play also has psychological and mental benefits, although these are not obvious. They  allow the child to face his fears, they create feelings of success and thus increase self-esteem.

Social benefits

Taking your child to the park  helps them develop great personal relationships with other children and adults. Especially for shy or reserved children.

It creates autonomy

Children who regularly play outside  are more independent and independent. This helps them to face the problems and seek solutions to them.

They are self-sufficient

The game  gives them more self-confidence to get to know each other better. They develop their own interests based on what they want. They feel they can control their life.

It strengthens family ties

Playing in the park with the family is a great way to take care of your children and give them quality time. Therefore,  children feel loved by the whole family and act reciprocally. 

4 games with special benefits for children

Play in the park

It is good for children to play in the park. Indeed, each game contributes to the physical and mental development of children in a fun way. Write down the games that follow for your kids to enjoy healthy. 

  1. The balls. 

    Since they are attentive to the movements of the ball, it promotes the reasoning of the children. They thus begin to establish relationships in space.

  2. To swing. 

    This trains their balance and improves their psychomotor development. In addition, it encourages children to think creatively and solve problems.

  3. The tunnels.

    This exercise facilitates crawling movements. He teaches the little ones to control time and space.

  4. Outdoor games

    In games where they go around in circles, they work on hearing and balance. In addition, they acquire skill in reading and writing. Playing with dirt and sand strengthens the muscles of the hands and arms, they develop fine motor skills. In addition, it trains the brain to distinguish between soft, soft, hard or thick, as they palpate with their hands and fill them with these elements.

The pleasure of being outside generates good humor. It prevents depression. In order to develop your children’s successes while playing in the park, take them out regularly and at a fixed time. You may go out at the same time as other families several times in a row. This will make it easier for children to establish social relationships.

Take your children to the park and think about their health

In today’s society, children spend most of their free time playing with electronic devices. This makes them lead  a sedentary life from an early age. In addition, many video games are violent and influence the irritant and aggressive nature of many children.

You are no doubt convinced that it is good for children to play in the park. Indeed, you contribute – in a fun and pleasant way – to the healthy development of your children.

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