7 Ways You Can Let Your Kids Relax Without Technology – You Are Mom

7 ways to let your kids relax without technology

Today, many families allow their children to spend several hours a day in front of screens, although there is nothing wrong with that if you control the time and content, but you cannot. use to relax them.

The technology, with the light it emits, stimulates the minds of children, so it is quite difficult for them to relax if they are in front of the screen of a cell phone, for example. So don’t miss out on these ways to let your kids relax without technology.

Children should have enough time during the day to relax and rest, as this is necessary for their brain to develop and grow well. In addition, they will have time to read, paint or play quietly. These are wonderful times when the little ones don’t need to have the screens nearby to relax.

Help your kids relax without technology

Here are some ideas to help your kids relax without technology, and also to help them be calm (even bored) and not think about the need to have the screens in their hands to pass the time faster. .

Children playing ball outside.

Play outdoors without technology

You may not think that play is something that allows you to relax, but it is an essential way for children to let off steam for a moment in their life, and it is very important for their minds, which never ceases. to grow up. This is why you need to make sure that your afternoons have enough time for your children to be children.

Creative play

Creative play is essential for the minds of children. Whether painting, crafting, or just letting your imagination run wild. Letting children get into a time gone state is a wonderful way to help them relax. You will love to look over your shoulder in your playroom and see your children in their little world.

Get them used to technology

One of the best ways to help children relax is to relax with them. After dinner, for example, you can play with your older child or go for a walk, weather permitting. In addition, during the day you can play ball together. It will help you burn energy and you will do better to rest better at night.

Plus, you’ll find that when you spend quality time with your child and do things together, they won’t need the screen for entertainment or relaxation. Because the most special thing in the world for your child is spending time with you.

Bedtime routines

Bedtime can be a real challenge for many families. Your kids may be most active when they have ten minutes to go to bed, but if you give them a routine, it will allow you to relax everyone by bedtime.

In addition, you will be able to extend these moments, especially when you need time to relax. The ideal is a hot bath, dinner, hygiene, history and sleep.

Relaxing music

Relaxing music is good for relaxing body and mind. Look for songs that you all like to play at night, close your eyes and just enjoy the melody. It’s a great way to feel better right before falling asleep.

Parents dancing with their daughter.

Meditate with the family

There are simple breathing techniques that work wonders for children and help them relax. When doing breathing meditation with young children it is normal to end up laughing every now and then, but after a minute you will be calmer and more relaxed – you will be surprised at how well it works. good !

Gentle massages

Getting your kids to sleep at night can be difficult, but a good massage can help kids of all ages. Although tickling is also a good resource …

Massages can be done with lavender lotion. Babies and toddlers seem to love it as soon as they get out of the bath and then you give them a warm massage on their tiny bodies – they love it for the soothing sensation it gives them!

Children without technology

Giving our little ones opportunities to relax is very important for their body and mind. Balance is essential for children and encouraging these techniques can help make these difficult times of the day easier for you and them too. But what really matters is helping your kids calm down without the technology.

They should understand that they are perfectly able to calm a hectic mood without having to turn on any screen. This is essential so that when they grow up they have good coping skills in all cases.

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