7 Tips To Prevent Your Child From Getting Lice – Parenthood

7 tips to prevent your child from getting lice

What do you know about lice?

Lice are wingless insects that live in the hair of humans and more commonly in the hair of children.

These insects feed on small amounts of blood, several times a day. It is for this reason that they are very disturbing and that their bites can irritate the head a lot, especially if the person is scratching a lot: the skin can become irritated, thus causing small wounds and becoming infected afterwards.

They are also very contagious because they can pass from the head of one person to another with extreme ease. Lice survive for up to 30 days on someone’s head and can lay up to eight eggs a day. Since they reproduce quickly, your best bet is to treat them as soon as possible.

children playing

7 tips to prevent your child from getting lice

1. Information at school

When you are told about lice at school, you should use a fine comb to examine your child’s head and eliminate these insects and their nits every time you come home.

When the opposite happens, it is very important that you notify the school immediately so that the lice epidemic does not spread to all of your child’s other classmates.

By strictly controlling the head of our child, the slightest slow or the slightest louse will be immediately detected and eliminated; this will prevent them from settling in his hair and reproducing by infecting the whole head.

To do this little examination, it is best to separate the hair into four parts and observe them carefully, using a fine comb. You can also use a lice comb.

2. Do not use the same objects

It is very important not to lend combs, hats or hair clips. Remember that lice don’t fly or jump from head to head: they grab hold of hair and move quickly from one infested head to another healthy head.

The best way to avoid contagion is for children not to lend anything that is on their head.

3. The vinegar

It is a great ally in the prevention of lice. To use it properly, you can wet your child’s hair with a mixture of vinegar and lukewarm water, in equal parts.

Do not rinse off the vinegar, let it work for a while as it helps to knock out the nits that were clinging to the scalp, in case you missed a few with the fine comb or the lice comb.

4. The tea tree

Tea tree oil is one of the best natural remedies available to make lice go away.

It promotes the elimination of these in a completely natural way because, by applying it to the hair, the nits come off on their own. Posterior extraction with a lice comb is therefore much simpler.

To eliminate lice with tea tree oil, dilute ten drops of the latter in a little water, making this mixture in a spray bottle.

When the mixture is ready, shake it vigorously and spray it on the hair in a uniform way, not forgetting the area of ​​the neck and behind the ears so that all the strands are impregnated with this liquid. Tie up the hair, cover it with a plastic cap and let this remedy work for at least 30 minutes.

lice in a little girl

5. Lavender

Lavender oil is known for its antiseptic properties. It has a very pleasant aroma and it is a particularly effective oil to fight lice.

It is useful at the preventive level but is not used to kill lice and nits. To use it correctly, you need to make a ponytail and pour a few drops of lavender essential oil behind the ears: it is an excellent natural repellent, which prevents lice from jumping on your child’s head and squeezing it. ‘install there.

6. Rosemary

The aroma of this plant also works as a lice repellant. To successfully make this remedy, all you have to do is get some essential oil from this plant and add it to your regular shampoo.

You will need to leave this mixture on for at least 30 minutes. After that, rinse your child’s hair thoroughly.

7. Pharmaceuticals

In a pharmacy, you can find an infinite number of pediculicidal shampoos, lotions or soaps.

All of these products should always be applied to dry hair, lightly massaging the area and following the manufacturer’s and pharmacist’s instructions.

Pharmaceuticals are quite effective, and normally a few days of treatment is sufficient to completely eliminate lice and nits.

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