Tips For Losing Weight After Pregnancy – Parenthood

Tips for losing weight after pregnancy

Although being pregnant is a dream for many women, many of us are worried about changes in our figure after the baby is born, and how to lose weight after pregnancy.

It is important in this regard to understand the changes that our body undergoes during pregnancy, so that we can view weight gain in a more positive way, as well as weight loss after childbirth.

Have kindness for yourself

First of all, you will need to be patient in order to lose weight after pregnancy. This will allow you to develop a new, healthy lifestyle over the long term and bring you balance.

You will also need to be kind to yourself and your body to make the postpartum period go smoothly and enjoy your baby carefree and feeling free.

As you can imagine, good time management will be necessary in order to find or develop good eating habits as well as to set up a sports routine, which are essential elements to obtain visible results in your desire to lose weight afterwards. the pregnancy.

In any case, you need to be tolerant of the changes that have taken place in your body, so as not to let yourself be overwhelmed by stress, postpartum depression and anxiety that can generate swings. mood, as well as impulsivity at mealtime.

A woman with postpartum depression, in the arms of her partner

Feeding during breastfeeding 

It is good to know that breastfeeding leads to weight loss, due to the energy expenditure provided during breastfeeding. This is why you need to be careful with your diet, especially since it has an impact on your baby’s diet.

The key to improving your fitness will be to implement proper nutrition and avoid low calorie diets, as they can generate aggressive changes in our body that could indirectly affect the baby through breastfeeding.

A mother breastfeeds her baby, which in particular helps to lose weight after pregnancy

Adopt new eating habits

It is important to introduce new eating habits in order to lose weight after pregnancy. In particular, it is recommended to:

  • Do not abuse fats
  • Choosing to grill vegetables
  • Have good hydration

The implementation of all these few tips will already bring you a gradual and significant change in your figure.

Food recommendations that will help you lose weight after pregnancy :

  • Milk, eggs and lean meats will provide the protein needed to help you lose weight.
  • Vegetables are antioxidants that will facilitate the functioning of your transit
  • Legumes will provide fiber to prevent constipation
  • Cereals provide energy and will keep you full
  • The fruits will maintain a good level of immune defense and improve your health

Additional tips for losing weight after pregnancy

Think about food supplements, especially vitamins

Vitamins will provide both the energy you need to perform your new role as a mom as well as the nutrients your baby needs, such as calcium, iron and zinc that you can take in supplements.

Drink enough

Sudden weight loss affects the elasticity of the skin and can cause stretch marks to appear. Stay hydrated by drinking regularly to nourish your skin from the inside out, support your body’s health and prevent cellulite. Avoiding this will indirectly boost your self-confidence.

Choose a physical activity

Walking while taking your baby for a walk in his stroller is already a first type of physical activity, which will allow you at the same time to bond with your child, to breathe fresh air, to expose yourself to the rays of the sun and to its vitamin D and smoothly adapt to the new life that is beginning for both of you.

Devoting at least an hour to sporting activity a day is a first step towards weight loss. This can be through the practice of yoga, pilates, dance, aerobics or even exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor.

Take his time

The body must rest to be able to recover after childbirth, and to avoid trauma or physical and physiological complications. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time before starting a process to lose weight ; this is essential for the success of your weight loss goal.

And it will prevent a loss of energy at a time when we need to take care of ourselves and our child more than ever.

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