I Was Happy When I Felt Life Stir Inside Me – Being Parents

I was happy when I felt the life stir inside me

This is where a mother is born, within whom emerge dreams and hopes that permeate the whole family.

“I was happy when I felt life move in me ,” say those who have already lived this unique and irreplaceable experience. Because the joy of every mother begins when we hear the baby’s heart for the first time or when its softest movement results in the softest caress of the soul.

It is totally wrong to believe that a mother’s love is activated when she has her child in her arms, after hard labor in which she has been able to transform these high levels of pain into nothing less than the love. more unconditional.

Motherhood, a love at first sight

The love and happiness of a mother undoubtedly awakens with all her might from the moment she begins to understand that her body has become a source of life ; her belly, in a cradle and her breasts – now warm and more prominent – in the best food and the medium of contact with her cub.

Feel the life

A woman knows she is a mother when, at her first ultrasound, she cannot hold back her tears of emotion as she listens to her child’s heart beat rapidly, just like hers when she overflows with joy at this first contact.

This mother is happy when she starts to feel those subtle little kicks in her stomach, which remind her with all her might that she will not be alone anymore. And this is where she finds her truth: the miracle of life is unfolding in her at this precise moment.

Motherhood begins when a woman discovers that the plan for this life is not to be perfect, but to achieve happiness, that good which is only real and absolute when it is shared with those we love. With your partner, with this little being who lives in you.

Connect with this life

Admittedly, many women fail to understand how a strong connection is created capable of magnifying each of these signs, to the point of transforming them into landmarks in the life of a person, more precisely of a mother.

However, anyone who has been through this experience understands that from the moment we find out that we will be mothers, there is a unique and special bond between the baby and this anxious mother who dreams of the day she can hold her little child in. his arms.

Feel the life

However, this mom knows that for now and for at least nine months, she will have to be content with the images that the x-rays show in order to put a face on her son, feeling those subtle movements of the baby, which will become more active.

Hence the urgent maternal need to connect to this life which beats in your body. Thus, in moments of relaxation, you will keep in touch with gentle caresses on your stomach, a dialogue with a serene and friendly tone with your child and even a lullaby.

Without a doubt, all of these strategies do not represent folly and are not in vain. Several scientific studies have verified the positive effects of this prenatal contact of women with the fetuses. Even the stories and the music have really amazing effects.

And the day comes when life is divided …

And there comes a time when this life decides to come forward more than ever. You lose the waters and you begin to feel the sweetest pains which announce the imminent arrival of the child in this world. It’s time to be strong, for yourself and, most importantly, for him. For the wait and for the deepest love.

Gone are those days when you felt and lived for two. Gone even this suffering which in a way represents childbirth. The future becomes life before your eyes and you begin to believe in that love at first sight that you knew to question. The world changed with that first cry, your life changed with its first look.

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