5 Types Of Temper Tantrums Your Child Can Have – Parenthood

5 types of temper tantrums your child may have

According to subject matter experts, temper tantrums are defined as the emotional outbursts or bangs of anger in children 1 to 5 years old. They present with sudden, uncontrolled anger and crying, most often for no apparent reason. Do you want to know what types of temper tantrums are there? Here are the five most common.

Types of temper tantrums in children

When children cry, kick and scream loudly, throwing themselves to the ground, they usually don’t care about the reasons. Most parents are afraid of these seizures, so it is important to know and differentiate between the types of seizures, their origin and how we should react in each case.

1. Attacks to attract attention or ask for something

This crisis is most used in children to try to exercise parental control and dominate them. Usually, they do this to demand more attention, either because they feel jealous for one of their siblings, or just to give them more time.

Experts say that this crisis is sometimes due to the fact that the child feels isolated. The best attitude to take is to let him calm down and observe the reasons which led him to react in this way.

It can also be due to the fact that his needs were not taken into account or by simple manipulation. If the answer is the first option, it’s important that you pay more attention to it when he talks to you, and if it’s the second, you demonstrate that you can’t always have everything you want.

children's crises
In this type of attention grabbing tantrum, children cry, kick and throw themselves to the ground, sometimes even stop breathing for a few seconds. The most advisable thing is not to give in to his request, because he will thus succeed in manipulating you. You should ignore it completely, unless it causes major environmental damage. Leave him alone for a while, and after he’s calmed down, try to engage with him and let him see why.

2. Seizures due to frustration or fatigue

This type of crisis is very common. This is only a sign that he is small and does not control his feelings and emotions, so he cries and becomes irritable.

Often times, frustration is the result of not understanding or understanding certain instructions that are assigned. If so, it is important that you spend time explaining things and talking about how you are feeling. Also, it is good that you celebrate his achievements and efforts, which will boost his self-esteem.

On the other hand, the child may have a temper tantrum just because he is tired and needs to sleep. In these cases you should take him to his bed and let him rest, after a while he will have forgotten about the temper tantrum.

3. Attacks of refusal to do something

First of all, you should analyze whether it is a situation that causes some kind of stress or anxiety, because then you should not force the child to do certain things. But if it’s not like that, then you should minimize it and not give in.

This type of seizure usually occurs when they refuse to go to bed, go to school, or do a given task. First of all, the important thing is that you don’t allow yourself to be manipulated because of his apparent sadness or anger.

Sometimes it is possible to avoid different types of seizures by warning them in advance of what to do.

4. Destructive crises

This type of seizure is very aggressive and can sometimes lead to unpleasant episodes. In their homes, children can lose control and, in addition to yelling, hitting or throwing objects – often – unintentionally.

If this happens, the best solution is to take your child to a quiet place and leave him alone as a punishment so he can think about it. After 10 minutes, try to establish a dialogue with him, in which you explain the reasons why you can never react violently.

5. Self-destructive anger

These are crises in which children lose control and end up hurting other people or even themselves.

To avoid accidents, you should hold him in your arms and talk to him while remaining calm. After a few minutes you will come to your senses or you will be tired of fighting with you.

children's crises are difficult
If your child usually has this type of reaction, it is important that sometimes when they are not angry, they are spoken to and explained to them about the alternatives. He must show his disagreement or his anger. First of all, he should not be allowed to hit himself, let alone hit others.

As parents, it is very important to understand how our children’s brains work, because in most cases they do not act intentionally and calculating. In short, they still have no control over their emotions or actions, just because their brains are developing and they don’t yet have the capacity to manage their actions.

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