5 Lies We Should Not Tell Our Children – Parenthood

5 lies we must not tell our children

What parents have never lied to make their child stop insisting on doing something when they had just finished another? This has happened to all of us. So we are going to see, in this article, some of the lies that we must not tell our children.

We adults sometimes lie to get peace, quiet, or rest. But what happens to children when we lie to them? What about when we promise them something we don’t respect? By doing this, we teach them that we can lie and that, on the other hand, we don’t do what we say. Our word then loses value.

When we lie to children by telling them things that we will not do, we are hurting them. So we are going to see some topics about which lies can be a real problem. Don’t hesitate to read on!

The lies we must not tell our children

All lies have harmful effects on children,  but some themes can be bombshells for them.

A sad child with his mother.

As parents, we are their role models: we must therefore avoid lying, even if their insistence may lead us to tell them that we will do something later (because we are very busy) when, in the end, we do not. won’t get there. Let’s see these lies in more detail.

“You really are an unbearable child! “

If you said this to your child, it surely wasn’t because you thought he really was like that. Your anger and frustration spoke for you. The problem is, your child doesn’t know if you really mean it and he believes you told him because it is the truth.

Therefore, once you feel calmer, try to rectify this so that your child does not grow up thinking that if you said it, it was true.

“If you don’t do what I tell you, the ogre will come and get you”

What would we like our children to do as they are told to do without protesting or having to force them! Unfortunately, things don’t turn out like this and we parents end up very frustrated. To achieve our ends, we therefore have recourse to various monsters, the wolf, the ogre, etc.

However,  this hurts them and, above all, they end up terrified. Children will end up believing that their parents want to hand them over to the ogre if they don’t behave properly and they will think it’s because they don’t like them. Surely you don’t want your kids to end up thinking that, so it’s best to avoid saying all these things.

“It’s okay”, one of the lies we must not tell our children

Another thing we say with the best of intentions to keep the little ones from feeling bad is that it’s okay if something goes wrong. However, we do not help them: we hurt them.

If the child falls, hurts himself, cries when he sees that he has a small scratch and if we tell him that it is not serious, what does he learn? That there is a difference between how he feels and the reality his parents see. He will feel lost and no longer know if what is happening to him is important or should be ignored.

Parents and her child.

” You deserve the best “

For us, our children are the engines of our life, our light, our everything, but that does not make them better than others or more deserving. We live in a society and  it is important that they learn that they are not the center of attention  or the most important to other people, even if they are to us.

We must transmit to them the value of humility so that they can integrate socially. They must be aware that they deserve the best, but that this is achieved with effort. 

We must also teach them that in life you have to be grateful, so that they do not turn into tyrants, and that you also have to learn from your mistakes. As parents, we will always be there to help them.

Make them feel that they will not suffer in life

We love our children so much that we don’t want to see them suffer. For that, we do everything to show them an ideal world, to prevent them from getting frustrated, and we promise them things that will never come true. This, contrary to what we think, does not help them but hurts them.

Moreover, all these types of comments make them lose confidence in us because they see that, despite what we have told them, we do not control whether they will suffer or not.

It could be the unexpected death of a loved one, a bad fall at school, etc. We do not want to see them suffer, of course, but we will not be able to prevent them from suffering in certain situations.

Life is like this: sometimes we fall and we have to get up, fight and overcome obstacles. Thanks to this, we will develop their resilience: so we must not hide the problems from them and we must be sincere with them.

Ultimately, as you may have seen, there are some lies that we should not tell our children because their consequences could be more negative than other smaller ones.

It is clear that it is better never to lie,  but some topics are nevertheless more complicated and involve more harmful consequences. Therefore, now that you know the lies that can hurt your children, try to avoid them, for the good of all.

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