Benefits Of Swimming During Pregnancy – Parenthood

The benefits of swimming during pregnancy

Swimming during pregnancy is particularly suitable for expectant mothers. If you are expecting your baby, be aware that this is an aerobic exercise that you can do from the third month of gestation until the ninth.

Unlike other heavier and more strenuous sports,  swimming is a light and suitable exercise to practice during pregnancy. Expectant mothers can swim during the  first  trimester of pregnancy, logically after medical checks to ensure the full health of the child and mother.

6 benefits of swimming during pregnancy

Here are 6  benefits  of swimming during pregnancy:

1. Reduction of back pain

This is a sport that involves a significant decrease in the weight of the child in the mother’s spine. During aquatic activities, whether swimming or aqua aerobics, the body is not subjected to gravity and is supported by the water.

This makes it possible to perform movements without supporting weight on the spine or joints. In this type of training,  the joints are not overloaded, which is particularly beneficial in cases of overweight and obesity.

2. The physical benefits

Swimming, practiced regularly and in moderation, is an activity that burns calories. In addition, it greatly helps to relax the body and at the same time it tones and slims the figure.

Swimming during pregnancy makes it easier to shed the extra pounds you put on throughout pregnancy and helps improve muscle tone.

Swimming during pregnancy relieves stress and muscle tension

3. Relief from stress and contractures

The constant massage of water allows expectant mothers to relieve stress and muscle contractures  that accompany the period of pregnancy.

You should know that during gestation the accumulation of fluids, mainly in the lower extremities,  promotes stagnation and the swelling that follows. It occurs for example in the ankles.

In water, you float and weigh a tenth of your weight on land. This relieves the pressure on the lower and upper limbs.

Swimming during pregnancy is also a very relaxing activity that allows you to stretch your arms and legs and relieve muscle tension.

“You feel overweight for nine months, but the joy of being a mother lasts forever”

-Nikki Dalton-

4. The feeling of being lighter

The expectant mother who chooses to go swimming during the nine months of her pregnancy helps her body feel better. This should be done consciously and under the strict supervision and guidance of the physician.

Swimming,  among other things,  helps the expectant mother to deflate, promotes urine output and makes her feel lighter.

Swimming  therefore allows pregnant women to quickly relieve all these generalized disorders  and ensures them to achieve a good level of physical well-being.

5. The psychological benefits

Mothers-to-be who decide to swim during pregnancy also benefit psychologically; this activity helps relieve stress and tension and disconnect from daily worries. Therefore, it helps to ensure physical and mental well-being.

6. Water reduces swelling

The feet and ankles tend to swell when you are pregnant due to the notorious fluid retention. When you swim with your extremities submerged, fluids are pushed back into the kidneys. Subsequently, they are expelled through the urine.

Swimming also improves the body’s blood circulation. All these consequences allow the feet and ankles to eliminate most of the fluids.

Swimming during pregnancy allows you to feel lighter while toning the body

The most suitable swimming styles for pregnant women

The breaststroke style is certainly the most suitable for pregnant women,  since it does not require rotation of the body and does not involve considerable effort.

During pregnancy, the spine and pelvis tend to tilt forward. This is why  breaststroke helps to strengthen all the muscles in the back and to relax.

Another very suitable swim for pregnant women is on the back. It does not contain any risk for the baby and helps to relieve the muscle pain that accumulates.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that before practicing swimming during pregnancy,  it is a good idea to consult your general doctor and your gynecologist, whom you trust. This helps to avoid any problem that may arise when playing sports.

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