Some Psychological Keys To Help Children Eat Well – Being Parents

Some psychological keys to help children eat well

Feeding children is one of the main concerns of any parent. But sometimes, in their desire to help children eat well, adults make certain mistakes that can sometimes cause the opposite effect to that desired.

Sometimes problems arise out of ignorance or excessive worry. As parents, we would all like our children to eat everything, and easily. However, it is common for children to refuse to taste certain foods or not eat the amounts their parents consider necessary.

Most of the time, feeding difficulties arise between the ages of 1 and 3. We must take into account that at this stage children’s stomachs have reduced capacity, which is why we cannot expect them to ingest similar amounts as an adult.

It is from the age of 5 that their energy expenditure and their food needs intensify. But, in addition, we must not forget either that food is a habit that can be learned and learned. It takes time to adapt and we have to be patient, because the textures, smells and flavors of food are completely new to the little ones.

Despite this, there are some strategies that can be implemented to help children eat well.

As a parent, what can you do to help your children eat well?

  • Avoid disgusting the child before he even tastes it : if you insist too much on a particular food, it will lead the child to think that it is not as good as you say it is. Do not offer him something as a reward either if he tastes this food; you then confirm to him in advance that he will surely not like him.

    It is important to help children eat well by offering them new foods

    • Focus on his positive behaviors, reinforce them when he eats well and ignore his negative behaviors: when faced with lack of attention, stop insisting.
    • Take his opinion into account, let him decide which vegetables he wants to eat the most. Let him, too, choose a particular food that he does not want to eat.

    Meal time

    Prudential time

    Meals should last between 20 and 40 minutes. A shorter duration may mean that the child eats too quickly and that his digestion is difficult, thus producing unpleasant sensations. On the contrary, a meal that would last longer would mean an interruption in the child’s daily life and would surely generate arguments because of the parents’ loss of patience.

    Once the 40 minutes are exceeded, if the child has not finished his plate, it is simply necessary to withdraw it and wait for the next meal. Do not offer him other foods or sweets, since it is a question of trying to establish the habit of eating at the right times.

    Family meal

    The time of the meal should be a pleasant and peaceful event. It is not advisable to observe the child or criticize the way he eats. Rather, we prefer to chat in a relaxed way with the family while enjoying the meal.

    A pleasant climate during meals is good for helping children to eat well

    It is also important to serve the child the same dish as the rest of the family; everyone eats the same thing. Thus, the child will have the opportunity to observe what others think about one food or another and to comment on his own feelings. The attitude towards the meal will always be more positive if we perceive it as a moment of sharing rather than if the parent sits down only to feed the child.

    How do you get your child to taste new foods to help them eat well?

    1. Choose the time of day when the child is calm, in a good mood, and hungry. His readiness to taste and love the new food will then only be greater.

    2. Offer him a small portion of the novel food, which you can accompany with other foods he already knows and enjoys.

    3. Give him autonomy so that he can discover the food for himself and decide how much he wants to put in his mouth. If your child is older, let them taste it on their own, with their fork and at their own pace. Thus, he will be better able to appreciate the new foods he tastes!

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