Can I Receive Dental Treatment During Pregnancy? – Being Parents

Can I receive dental care during pregnancy?

Whether it is possible to receive dental care during pregnancy is a fairly common question among pregnant women. Indeed, pregnant women are often afraid to go to the dentist because they believe that no procedure is possible at this stage.

In fact, you have to go to this specialist during pregnancy to avoid complications. The dentist examines the condition of the mouth, performs cleanings, applies fluoride and determines if there is a need for specific treatment.

In addition, he will give advice on oral care during this period of the woman. In case of necessary intervention, he will advise the mother-to-be on the best time to do it. Read on to find out what happens to dental care during pregnancy.

Is dental treatment possible during pregnancy?

As we have already mentioned, going to the dentist is vital for taking care of the mouth during pregnancy. The professional determines the needs as well as the treatments to be undertaken at the most opportune moment.

Sometimes it is necessary to control certain conditions and do the definitive treatments after the pregnancy is terminated. Other times, it helps to resolve simpler situations in time to avoid complications. Or complex treatments in the future.

Pregnant woman at the dentist's office.

During pregnancy, changes can affect the oral cavity. Nausea and vomiting in the first trimester, hormonal influence, variations in diet and discomfort when brushing due to inflammation of the gums promote the appearance of cavities.

This very common disease consists of the loss of minerals from the teeth. They look like simple spots, but as they progress they destroy the structure of the tooth. If continued without treatment, it can cause pain and infection.

With dental care, decayed teeth can be treated. This involves removing the damaged tissue and replacing it with an artificial material that restores the shape and function of the tooth.

Dental care during pregnancy are simple treatments that can be done safely because this therapy does not affect the fetus or the mother. Therefore, with this simple intervention, the active cavities can be controlled. If left untreated, cavities can progress to infections or severe pain that affects pregnancy. These complications are associated with the onset of contractions, premature deliveries or low birth weight infants.

About dental care during pregnancy …

In the event of a visit to the dentist, the pregnant woman must always inform her and indicate her condition. The dentist will take into account the gestation period, the state of health of the mother-to-be and oral health needs to determine the type of treatment to be performed.

Although, as we have already mentioned, dental care is safe during pregnancy, there are some considerations to keep in mind. They are the following:

  • Treatment period  : the second trimester is ideal for performing dental fillings during pregnancy. At this point, nausea, vomiting and the time of fetal organ formation has passed. Therefore, in the first three months of pregnancy, only urgent interventions that cannot wait should be performed. After the third month, the woman will be more comfortable in the chair. Because the belly has not yet grown too much. During the last trimester, sitting for long periods in the same position along with the weight and size of the belly can make the process difficult.
  • Anesthesia : The use of low dose local anesthesia does not harm the fetus. In case of underlying pathology or disorders associated with pregnancy, the dentist will choose a milder drug or without vasoconstrictors to avoid complications.

Other things to consider

  • X-rays : in general, they are not necessary for this type of procedure, but if they are inevitable because the professional considers it as such, the doses of radiation used are not harmful to the fetus. In any case, they should be performed with a lead shield over the abdomen and as infrequently as possible. Also, orthopantomograms, which are x-rays of the jaws with much higher exposure, should not be performed.
  • Avoid fillings with fillings : Although there is not enough evidence to show the damage of the filling to the fetus, it is not used during pregnancy. These treatments involve an alloy of silver and mercury. It is this last element that should be avoided during pregnancy. The dentist has other safer and more aesthetic materials to restore the teeth.

    Pregnant woman at the dentist.

    Oral care during pregnancy is essential

    We have already mentioned that the changes inherent in pregnancy can predispose women to suffer from mouth diseases. Oral care is therefore essential to avoid discomfort and more serious consequences.

    Brushing your teeth and gums three times a day with a soft brush and fluoride toothpaste is essential for removing plaque. This should be supplemented with the use of dental floss. A pregnant woman should continue her oral hygiene even if she has nausea or sensitivity. This is because the buildup of bacteria in the mouth worsens the conditions.

    A healthy, balanced and varied diet must also be taken into account. Foods with a high sugar content should be avoided. Because in addition to being unhealthy, they promote the development of cavities.

    Likewise, it is necessary to consult the dentist frequently during pregnancy. One visit per quarter is a good idea. Going to the dentist with confidence and following her recommendations allows a pregnant woman to maintain oral hygiene during her pregnancy.

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