Childhood Laziness: 6 Tips To Avoid It – Parenthood

Childhood laziness: 6 tips to avoid it

The infant sloth is  one of the issues that most concern parents. This is an acquired habit, the key to which is the type of education given to children. Keep in mind that as a mother, your responsibility is to set time limits for your children’s distractions.

To fight against infantile laziness , you have to show the little one the importance of sacrifice to get things. You should not make your child’s life as easy as possible because you will make them a lazy child.

Even if it is a passing thing, what is certain is that  the demotivation of the children is constant. This lack of attitude can be considered commonplace among them, as long as it remains framed by an open mother-child dialogue that avoids punishment and excessive worry.

Used to living with technology,  they tend to receive everything without making too much effort. It can also be a problem. Technology tends to  easily distract  children and encourages the onset of infantile laziness.

The possible consequences

Childhood laziness can have consequences such as:

  • Delay in  learning.
  • The loss of  the habit of regular work.
  • Discouragement for  studies.

6 tips to fight childhood laziness

In order to prevent this type of behavior, here are some recommendations that will help you deal with certain lazy attitudes in your child:

1. Evaluate yourself

If you are lazy, your kids are very likely to be. Evaluate your work ethic; the way you work is, exactly, the way your child will learn to work.

Childhood laziness is one of the things parents fear most

2. Work with them

The best way to teach your child how to work is to do it with him. Show her how to do things in a fun way and how to achieve  goals.

Teach your childhood the importance of hard work:  a sustained work ethic will benefit him throughout his life. It is essential that you take the time to teach him how to work and that you help him carry out his projects.

3. Encourage engagement

Commitment is a valuable characteristic of the individual. When a child is committed to something, whether it be a goal, a task, or even a  job,  they are very likely to apply themselves with envy.

Lack of commitment is one of the first steps towards weak or incomplete work, which contributes to laziness.

4. Don’t give him everything he asks for

One of the best lessons you can teach your child is  that he or she has to put in some effort to get things right. This means that there are many times when you need to say “no” to the many requests from your little one.

Although it is always difficult to say no to your child,  you should not fulfill their requests if there is no commitment or effort on their part to achieve the goal. Sometimes a “no” will be the best answer; this will prevent the child from slacking off and appreciating your efforts.

5. Assign tasks

Helping with  chores around  the house is one of the best ways to teach your little one the value of work, even at a young age. Your child has to help with some household duties,  such as making the bed or washing the dishes. As a mother, if you do everything for him, you will prevent him from learning the basic tasks.

“Lazy people always talk about what they think they are doing, what they will do; those who are really doing something do not have time to talk, let alone what they are going to do ”


6. Patience and prudence

When faced with your child’s lack of motivation, you need to be careful and stand firm. If you observe him plunge dangerously into the void and find no results, don’t be afraid to offer your help cautiously.

Infant laziness is closely related to the education received and the attention of parents


On the other hand, we mistakenly believe that children are lazy, although sometimes it is a matter of motivation. Including rewards and punishments in their work can have a short-term effect on their efforts.

You have to take into account that the rewards often fail to create long term interests or goals.

What can I do to motivate my child?

  • Support his  interests.
  • Convince him of the  need for work and effort.
  • Encourage your child and value  their successes.
  • Claim his  strengths.
  • Give it  time.

As you can see, the key is a correct education from an early age. Instilling bad habits in your child or making things too easy will only lead to the inability to put in the effort to get what he wants. In order to avoid it,  nothing better than your company and your assistance.

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