Crafts For Children With Pom Poms – Parenthood

Children's crafts with pom poms

Crafts are a perfect activity for children who want to develop their creativity, ingenuity and imagination. Also, it is one of the best things to do with them on vacation or on weekends.

To craft these items, you can use many materials that you have at home, as the vast majority of them can be recycled and give them a second life through crafting.

Today we are going to focus on one of the most fashionable materials – pom poms. If you don’t have this material at home, remember that you can also create it with wool and weave pom poms in any colors and sizes you want.

Selection of children’s crafts with pom poms


Caterpillars are one of the animals linked to the season of the year we are in: spring. Therefore, in order to create this animal and give children another take on it, you will need the following materials:

  • Three colorful pompoms
  • A clothespin
  • Glue
  • Moving eyes

The first step will be to glue the pom poms in line on one of the sides of the pliers. You can choose the color combination for the pom poms as you like.

Do manual work

You can thus create color combinations that will delight the little ones and make them see these animals in a different way. The last step is optional and involves gluing wiggly eyes to one of the side pom poms to give the character more life.

Decorate notebooks with explosions of color

Children usually have a lot of school materials, and much of it is devoted to notebooks. Therefore, and to overcome boredom, one of the simple craft options is to decorate their notebooks with pom poms and thus give them a more attractive outlook.

To do this, you will only need three materials:

  • Lots of colorful pom poms
  • Glue
  • The notebook you want to decorate

A Christmas tree, one of the simplest children’s crafts with pompoms

While there is still time before the most magical time of the year arrives, children will be greatly entertained by preparing for it. To do this, you will only need

  • Pom poms, especially green
  • Glue
  • A piece of cardboard

As we said before, this is one of the easiest crafts for kids to do on their own. The first step is to place the pom poms on the cardboard in the shape of a Christmas tree. Once you have this structure, you just need to lift the pom poms to glue them to the cardboard with a little glue.

Other crafts with pompoms

A frame with your initials

Another handwork with the funniest children’s pom poms, which you can also use as a decorative item later, is to make a frame with your or your children’s initials. To do this, you will need the following:

Children doing manual labor

  • An empty picture frame
  • Glue
  • Colorful pompoms

If you don’t have a home photo frame available, you can also make it out of cardboard and hang it on the wall that way. There is only one step in this process: place the pom poms to form your initials.

You can choose the colors and sizes of the pompoms with your children, and thus personalize the object as much as possible.

Drawings to complete

Do you remember the drawings you made when you were little that consisted of connecting dots and creating a design through them? Well, with this craft we are going to create the same thing, but using pom poms for it.

You can create simple designs like, for example, an umbrella or a flower in which each stem or petal is created by different pom poms. These drawings will be small circles in which, later, the little ones will have to place each of the pompoms.

This way you will have original drawings and you will also help the children to coordinate and establish the relationship between the paper, the colors and the spirit.

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