Daily Hassles During Pregnancy – Parenthood

The little daily worries during pregnancy

So what are these everyday little hassles during pregnancy? Admit it. By eating this chocolate cake, you only experienced five short minutes of pleasure? What a desappointment ! When you feel like you no longer control your appetite or digestion, you can quickly despair.

We hope that the nine months will pass quickly before it escalates.

And let’s not talk about the typical nausea of ​​the first trimester of pregnancy. What we are never told is that this is just the first in a long series of everyday hassles during pregnancy. The best is to take a deep breath and see things on the bright side.

Sometimes it feels like these everyday worries are robbing us of our long-awaited beautiful moment. This is not the pregnancy we dreamed of. Let’s talk about it.

10 daily worries during pregnancy

Anxiety is part of the daily worry during pregnancy.

1. Terror

It’s no secret that the unknown is scary. It is an emotion that can all be felt very intensely during pregnancy. It doesn’t matter whether we got organized and dreamed about it. Big changes always generate a feeling of panic.

2. Nausea

It’s one of the little daily worries during pregnancy that everyone knows: the urge to return their lunch. Sometimes nausea comes without warning and there is no time to use the bathroom.

It’s hard not to be embarrassed when you find your head in a trash can or a flowerpot. But don’t worry: it’s normal. It is even almost a rite of passage.

3. The discomforts

Pregnant women don’t just pass out in bad TV shows. One feels weak during the first trimester of pregnancy. You can feel dizzy.

4. The urge to sleep

An important meeting at the office? A very interesting course at the university? But that doesn’t stop you from quietly letting out a little yawn or starting to nod your head. It is your body that requires a little rest.

5. The changing body

When you start to gain stomach, you may be embarrassed by your physical appearance. We have the impression of having gained weight. We wonder if we are still so desirable. In fact, we feel so ugly that we could burst into tears … Fortunately, this impression passes quickly.

6. Desires

There is nothing more irrational than envy. During pregnancy, it is easy to mix up foods that we would not even think of eating normally. For example, ice cream with mustard, popcorn with ketchup and other follies …

7. The hormone festival

During pregnancy, it is the fireworks of hormones. Our morale is playing yo-yo.

8. The kicks

We all dream of feeling the baby kick in our tummy. What we imagine less often is that it can be unpleasant.

No one likes to be hit in the lungs or in the ribs. It’s okay to complain. It is only masochists who love pain.

9. Despair

When the eighth month of pregnancy arrives, we want to scream: “Take that belly away from me!”. We let ourselves be overcome by despair, we ask for an emergency Caesarean section because we cannot wait another day.

Of course, it’s not the baby that’s bothersome, it’s the volume. But remember, it’s not long until the big day. Are you in such a hurry to give birth?

At birth, you will change your perspective.

10. Welcome to your new life

The day of delivery is not just the birth of your baby. It is also the day when you discover your new life. This new reality may surprise you and maybe even displease you, especially during the first few months.

One can have the impression of not having had time to take advantage of a moment of respite, between pregnancy and motherhood.

Now that you have read this article, you know that pregnancy is a difficult stage, but it is also unique. Even if you decide to have five children, every pregnancy will be different.

Remember that the little daily hassles during pregnancy will help you move on after giving birth. You will not regret your fat belly and you will have given birth to a whole new human being.

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