Don’t Confuse Your Child With Your Words, Educate Them By Example – Parenthood

Don't confuse your child with your words, educate them by example

Being an example for our children is the most effective educational tool parents have. Telling children how and why to do things is not recommended. Indeed, they act most of the time by imitating our way of being. But they don’t know what we intend to instill in them.  How to educate your child by leading by example?

In childhood, words are like language that the child does not understand or does not want to understand. Because it’s easier to imitate your parents to understand how the world is going.

In other words, if you want to raise a happy, upright, responsible, educated, loving and confident child in their physical, cognitive and mental qualities and abilities, educate them with your good example.

In addition, to illustrate these words, we share this story with you.

A mother kissing her baby.

The story of a mother inconsistent in her words and actions

Martha is an extremely sociable woman. In her building, she gets along with all the neighbors. There isn’t a day when she doesn’t go to work without saying hello to everyone she meets first.

Anyone who needs her help knows she will be there to reach out to him. A little sugar, to take care of her child for an hour, bring back eggs if she goes to the supermarket, call the person in charge of the community… She is an example as a neighbor.

However, Martha is a woman who presents serious inconsistencies between her actions and her words.

His effusive greetings, whenever the person in question turns his back, always ends with a grimace or a malicious comment.

It has always gone pretty well for her, or at least that’s what she thought. Until the day when she begins to notice that her 5 year old daughter, while playing, identifies with her. Indeed, she represents her own mother in all her games by taking on her the role of being the best of all, the most beautiful, the most intelligent.

As if that wasn’t enough, when the little girl sat down for tea with a doll, she criticized her friends. Then as soon as the tea mate was replaced, criticism fell on the one who had just left.

Likewise, when she painted and dressed her dolls, the girl complimented their look. But in a low voice, to herself, she commented on what she was really thinking.

The day Martha stopped to watch her daughter play, she couldn’t help but be surprised and wonder that she had never given birth to a hypocritical child.

A mother and her daughter.

Don’t confuse your child with your words, educate them with your example

Children know that setting a good example is not that easy. Because they are imperfect human beings who do not always make the best decisions.

They are sometimes made of a mixture of optimism and pessimism, good and bad deeds, positive and negative feelings at the same time.

As parents, we are not always ready to be a role model. Despite this, we have the responsibility to educate, guide and advise the new generations.

What it is possible to do is wake up every day with intention and a real effort to become better people, sincere, honest, altruistic, empathetic, sociable so that our child can get the best of us. .

We must teach him, through our daily actions, to respect others, to pursue his dreams and to strive for his goals. To show him how to behave, feel and think.

Finally, as you are his best and his closest educator, you have the responsibility and the duty to transmit the most beautiful to this “little one” who observes you when you do not notice it.

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