Find Your Figure At Home After Pregnancy – You Are Parents

Find your figure at home after pregnancy

So courage, leave complexes and prejudices behind you, look at yourself in the mirror and consider what you want to improve because you can regain your figure at home.

To be beautiful, you have to sweat

There are two news related to the goal of recovering your figure at home after pregnancy: the first is that yes, you can recover the havoc that pregnancy has left on your body from the comfort of your home and the other is that you can recover from the ravages of pregnancy on your body. ‘there is no miraculous recipe for achieving the ideal figure. You know that the magic pills that promise to make you lose weight without moving your little finger do not give results … You just have to accept this proverb according to which to be beautiful you have to see stars, that in this case we can modify and say that in order to lose weight you have to sweat.

After clearing up these points, arm yourself with your best tools. To regain your figure you will need conviction, regularity, a good diet and a good training program.

The first eight months after giving birth will be the hardest. Mainly because the organs in your body are not yet in place and the hormones have not yet found their ideal point. Your metabolism is slower and you also feel very tired from sleepless nights. However, taking all of this into account is no reason to give up. You have to understand yourself and start to regain your figure little by little.

Most likely, parts of your body are saggy and you’ve put on some weight. Don’t worry, it happens to all of us, it’s natural. Remember your skin has stretched to house this beautiful baby who is now making you feel like one of the luckiest women in the world. These details have a solution and anything you see “out of place” will come back into place with time, persistence, and good practice.

Before you start, it is very important to realize that recovering your figure is not a race. It is therefore very positive that you take the training calmly. Patience and constancy will be your maxims. Indeed, over time you will see that the more physically active you are, the more energetic you will feel, the result is incredible and no matter how tired you are.

Regain your figure after childbirth

Find your figure while walking

The first thing you should do to start your routine is ask your doctor if you already have permission to exercise. In theory, any woman who has had a natural childbirth can start her exercise routine after her 40s. Those who have had a cesarean will have to wait 12 weeks after the operation.

During quarantine you should give your body time to recover from a childbirth or cesarean section. However, during this time, you need to start eating well and drinking plenty of water or fluids. During this time, try to move around the house and not sit on the couch all the time. Sedentary lifestyle is your main saboteur. Every little action counts.

When you’re done, your 40s start walking. In fact, it is the best exercise you can do. Try to do this outdoors, for example in the backyard of your house, as breathing fresh air will make you and your baby feel better. Start little by little but with energy you have to walk seriously, it is not a walk. The idea is that while walking you find it difficult to breathe and have a conversation. Make you sweat!

A few days after starting your exercise routine, you will find that physical activity is not only beneficial for regaining your figure, but also for feeling good about yourself as it helps stimulate the production of endorphins that your body has. need. In addition, this hormone helps improve mood.

Regain your figure after childbirth

Online tutorials can be your best allies

When your doctor lets you exercise – including weight training – do so. At home, you can improvise a few aids from empty milk cans or containers that you can fill with water. The weights will trigger your metabolism and put everything back in its place. While the cardiovascular exercise that you do through walking and the proper diet will load up on fat. Stick with the weights as this workout will increase fat loss and strengthen your muscles.

There is another exercise that is wonderful, core strength. It is the most recommended for flattening your abdomen. You can even do it with the help of your legs, as beginners do. You can do side and frontal sheathing and you can find several tutorials on how to do it on Youtube. It is very important not to do other types of abs until you have left six months after childbirth.

The best workout out there is the one you prepare, because if you do it will be tailored to your tastes and needs. Whatever your goal if you walk, do some weight training and abdominals at least three times a week. You will see that gradually you will pick up the pace of the training and that the more you train, the more energy you will have to improve your figure and cope with all daily activities.

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