Food For Twin Pregnancy – Being Parents

Nutrition for twin pregnancy

The diet during a twin pregnancy may be slightly different from that during a normal gestation. Indeed, the caloric and nutritional needs are increased, probably multiplied by two compared to a “normal” pregnancy.

Today we give you the keys to plan feeding in an optimal way, thus ensuring the good development of both fetuses. In this way, you will be able to satisfy all nutritional demands.

Increased energy intake in twin pregnancy

One of the distinguishing features of twin pregnancy is the higher energy requirement compared to the gestation of a single baby. In this case, it may be necessary to increase the energy intake by 600 calories per day, in order to allow the correct growth of both fetuses.

A pregnant woman cooking.

To meet these requirements, it is necessary to introduce foods with high nutritional density, such as Greek yogurt or nuts. Only by increasing an intake higher than usual will it be easy to reach these numbers, ensuring that the pregnancy goes smoothly.

However, try to avoid ultra-processed products to increase the energy value of the diet. This is because these foods contain very unhealthy trans fats, according to a study published in the journal Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome .

Watch out for weight gain

Despite the fact that in a twin pregnancy you have to increase the calories compared to the gestation of a single baby, it does not mean that you have to gain twice as much weight. In fact, it is important to analyze the state of a woman’s body composition during the first few months to estimate what the total weight gain should be.

Typically, those who are overweight or obese will gain less total weight than those who are at normal weight early in pregnancy. However, there is also no exact rule about this, as not all women have the same weight during the process.

However, when you start to be overweight, your risk of developing gestational diabetes increases, according to research published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences . In these cases, carbohydrate intakes should be controlled, especially those of the simple type.

Avoid nutritional deficiencies during twin pregnancy

Another of the key points of diet during pregnancy is the need to ensure the correct intake of nutrients. In particular, folic acid, iron, calcium and omega 3 fatty acids are decisive. In this regard, some of them are systematically prescribed as supplements to avoid alterations in fetal development.

Likewise, it is necessary to check that the vitamin D levels are optimal. Because a deficiency state could have a negative impact on the health of the mother and future babies. To avoid deficiencies in this regard, controlled sun exposure and the presence of eggs and fatty fish in the diet are recommended.

Finally, it is important to ensure a good protein intake during a twin pregnancy. These nutrients determine the genesis of new structures. Without them, good development will be impossible. In addition, it is preferable that half of the proteins are of high biological value, i.e. of animal origin.

A pregnant woman eating in her kitchen.

Diet during twin pregnancy determines development

During twin pregnancy, nutrition should play a big role. It’s not just what you eat that matters, it’s what is limited or restricted. Regarding this last point, the same recommendations should be followed as in a pregnancy with a single baby.

It is essential to avoid alcohol, caffeine, certain herbal teas, simple sugars, sugary soft drinks, industrial drinks, certain cold meats and artificial sweeteners. You will also need to watch out for large fish as they can have heavy metals inside.

Finally, keep in mind that providing the correct nutrition during twin pregnancy can determine the future growth of fetuses and babies. Mistakes can affect the well-being of children in the early stages of their lives. Even when they reach adulthood.

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