I Will Show You My Love In Silence Through My Actions – Parenthood

I will show you my love in silence through my actions

But I will do it in silence because it is often easier to be understood without saying a single word. I won’t give you a big lesson filled with complicated words. I’ll just let the actions turn into learning. My actions will become my preferred means of communication.

There is an old popular saying that “to say is one thing, to act is another”. It is still relevant despite the passage of time.

I will show you my feelings and my love, in silence, and you can feel it in my every move. Rest easy, my love, I promise you that not a single day goes by that you cannot consider yourself lucky to be loved so intensely.

I will show you my love in silence through small gestures

Express my love in silence

My child, there are noble deeds and gestures that are capable of saying more than you can imagine. Through diapers, pacifiers and baby bottles, through these first nocturnal outings in adulthood. I undoubtedly maintain that a mother’s entire waking hours and nights are intimately linked to the unconditional love she feels for her child.

I will show you the immensity of my tenderness during every minute of patience that I gave you while my soul was exhausted. In the minutes of play, in the care I gave you when you were sick, in my protection day after day. In the tales and lullabies that I have learned for you, in my courage to face the impossible in order to preserve your well-being.

You will find the inexhaustible source of my love when you enjoy my company in good times and in bad times. Even when you think, for a few small reasons, that you don’t deserve it. You will also remember these words in every carefully prepared meal.

You will remember me when the vagaries of life send you memories of me. When you smell the clean laundry. When you feel your cold soul and remember the sweet warmth of my arms. You will call me by thought when you need someone to dry your tears and who explains to you that you have the right to cry.

I will teach you by giving you everything

Express my love in silence

I will teach you as always, what you already know. By giving everything without expecting anything in return. With my generosity, my dedication and my altruism. You will miss me when you feel the hostility and selfishness which can turn out to be very cruel at times.

I think that in silence, in a natural way, I can transmit a lot to you. Through my efforts and my sacrifices. Through my obsession with sustaining your self-esteem and creating unshakeable security. When you feel free enough, fall and independent I know you will remember me.

You will also remember me when you realize that I have always trusted you as you have trusted me. You will also remember it when the moment you need a confidant to share your secrets with and seek expert advice.  You will remember those times when you just need to put the world on hold for a kiss and a saving hug.

I will show you, my love in silence, thanks to all these offerings that only mothers can understand. I will show you by offering my time to share it sincerely with you. You will finally understand that you have learned a lot in silence, thanks to my actions.

These proofs and actions that you saw natural, genuine and really alive speak the language of love. You will finally understand that my heart was filled with joy and happiness every time I saw you. You will understand that I have always fought for your present and for your future. Only thanks to a maternal love that gave you wings so that you could fly as high as possible.

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