Letter To My Father, This Man Who Gave Me Life But Never Loved Me – Being Parents

Letter to my father, this man who gave me life but never loved me

Letter to my father

I don’t know how to address you because I don’t know you and I don’t know your name either. I’m not gonna blame you, don’t worry. With this letter to my father that I never knew, I only want to say one thing, in case you read it: I forgive you.

I forgive you for never having been by my side, for having abandoned me without the slightest explanation. I want you to know that the pain of my father’s absence has helped me grow to be a strong woman and overcome difficult situations without anyone’s help. 

I forgive you because even if the void left by a father is difficult to replace, he has helped me to love the people who have filled it. My grandfather, my grandmother and, of course, Mom, who accompanied me every moment.

She quickly took your place to raise her children on her own, to accompany me to my shows at school, to work tirelessly and to make sure that her family was well. Yes, I thank you deeply because Mom was the person who did everything by herself. And flawlessly. 

daughter and her mother

She has pictures and memories of my childhood in which you were never present. She has always been there for everything and she is proud of me, for all the memories I have created. With her, I learned what true love is.

I also forgive you because Grandpa took your place as father. He was both at the same time. He had been a father before, but it hadn’t been just a name. He had proven it by actions. Grandpa taught me not to hold resentment and to forgive, because resentment only destroys a person and does not help him grow.

He taught me that just because I don’t have a father doesn’t mean that all is lost. He helped and supported me so that I would grow up and become a strong and confident woman. He also showed me what it means to be happy, even if you weren’t there. And there is one thing he has never done that I will be eternally grateful to him: talk to me about you on bad terms. He taught me not to suffer, whether for a situation or for a person, and to be grateful for all the things I have around me.

Letter to my father

I don’t blame you for anything because Grandma helped me to respect others and to be a faithful woman so that people would respect me. Not to lie so that others don’t lie to me. If she had to punish me for me to learn my lesson, she would.

So, with this letter to my father who has never been by my side, I mean that I never needed you to grow up, to follow the path of my life, to go to school, to to pass my Bac and to go to the university. And to know how to choose the father I want for my children.

Being alone, without you, pushed me to go in search of success and overcome any situation. When I look around, I see that I was able to create my own family and that the people who entered it were able to fill the void you left.

Your absence taught me that hate never brings good results. This is how I was able to learn, little by little, to forgive. I have learned to forgive you.

Letter to my father, this man who gave me life but never loved me.

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