Mathematical Intelligence In Children – Being Parents

Mathematical intelligence in children

Learning and training mathematical intelligence in children is fundamental for cognitive development. In reality, mathematical competence is necessary to describe and analyze:

  • Quantities
  • Space
  • Shapes
  • Changes
  • Relationships
  • Uncertainty and chance.

It is therefore very present in all aspects of people’s lives. Therefore, children from an early age must learn to appreciate and understand them.

Mathematical intelligence in children

According to Howard Gardner, logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to use numbers effectively and to reason correctly. Indeed, this includes the following skills:

  • Analyze situations logically.
  • Solve math problems.
  • Use and represent numerical quantization systems.
  • Meet challenges based on discovery.

colorful abacus for learning math

Indeed to acquire these skills, children must be comfortable with the numbers and tasks that relate to their use. They must also learn to understand information presented in mathematical language.

Thus, according to María del Carmen Chamorro, the dimensions of mathematical ability, which children must learn during the school phase, are as follows:

  • Conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts, properties and relationships.
  • The development of procedural skills.
  • Strategic thinking : formulating, representing and solving problems.
  • Ability to communicate and argue mathematically.
  • Positive attitudes towards mathematical situations.
  • Awareness of one’s own mathematical abilities.

Teaching Mathematics at School

In the current education system, the teaching of mathematics is approached in a routine and repetitive manner. Thus, calculation and arithmetic exercises are repeated continuously until they are automated.

Therefore, the mathematical activities offered in school are based on memorizing a series of steps to reach the solution. So, in many cases, children mechanically solve tasks without using thinking and logical reasoning to find the correct answer to the exercise.

To remedy this problem, teachers must abandon the traditional teaching method. Indeed, they must apply a more concrete method. In other words, students should learn mathematics through realistic activities that demonstrate the usefulness of digital knowledge.

In this sense, several innovative elements are therefore included in competency-based education. These are the following:

  • Promote an active attitude in the process of learning mathematics.
  • Encourage satisfaction and fun in math through fun tasks.
  • Develop creativity in problem solving.
  • Promote the manipulation of mathematical objects.
  • Reflect on the acquisition of logical thinking.
  • Promote self-confidence.
  • Promote the transfer of mathematical knowledge in daily life .
  • Develop the capacity to effectively use new technologies.

children demonstrating their mathematical intelligence

The importance of developing mathematical intelligence

The development of mathematical intelligence is fundamental to living in today’s culture and society. Indeed, this intellectual capacity allows us to understand schedules, maps, graphs, tables, analyzes etc … It also provides basic skills to make purchases, sales, invoices, trips, receipts, etc.

Thus, thanks to the knowledge and understanding of logic and numerical calculation, many tasks that one will encounter in everyday life can be accomplished. On the other hand, mathematical intelligence promotes critical thinking and divergent thinking. Indeed, it is essential for:

  • Lead debates and discussions by defending ideas with a certain logic.
  • Choose and understand the information provided by the media, especially if it is related to mathematical aspects.
  • Look for patterns and relationships between ideas and concepts.
  • But also, to pay attention to details.

In this sense, the following reflection in the Handbook of Mathematics and its Didactics for professors of the University of Granada should be highlighted.

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