Maximum Sugar Intake In Children – Being Parents

Maximum sugar consumption in children

The consumption of sugar in children is essential in the diet. Indeed, sucrose or glucose provides energy to the body and the mind. But what should be the maximum sugar intake in children? The amount needed to grow taller without the risk of disease or tooth decay.

During the baby’s first months, sugar is consumed through milk or bottle. Breast milk contains water, fat, protein, and enough sugar to grow taller with the proper nutritional intake.

How Much Sugar Should Children Eat?

As the child grows, his daily diet varies with the consumption of tasty and nutrient-dense foods. These foods must guarantee the caloric balance essential to maintain a correct weight and allow the development of the capacities of the child.

However, until the age of two, there should be no sugar in children’s diets. From this age, the maximum is 15 grams per day up to three years.

From four to fourteen, the limit is 25g per day. The World Health Organization recommends that the intake of sugar in children not exceed 10% of total daily calories. This is a maximum of six tablespoons per day.

Risks of excessive sugar consumption in children

Sugar is necessary, we cannot do without. It provides energy, good brain health, and helps metabolize fat. It should preferably be consumed from natural sources, in moderation and not from sweets and sugary drinks.

Minimizing the consumption of refined sugar will prevent disorders in children,  such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. According to the WHO, in 2016, there were 340 million children and adolescents in the world, between five and nineteen years old, overweight or obese.


Consumed in excess, sugar increases cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and damages the pancreas. Of course, it sometimes takes away hunger. However, in the long term, it could lead to multiple pathologies such as hyperactivity, anxiety and depression.

Natural sugar is the best

Glucose is an elemental monosaccharide or simple carbohydrate, contained in sucrose or sugar. When we consume it, it stays in the blood stream. It gets to the liver for energy and the excess is stored as fat. Hence the importance of avoiding excess consumption.

The good sugar

Sugar is generally linked to natural and refined foods. The good nutrients are usually found in dairy products in the form of lactose. But also in fruits, fresh vegetables and honey, in the form of fructose. In these cases, there are no consumption limits.

Honey and maple syrup are natural sugars. There are others like stevia or thaumatin. Artificial sugars, or modified sugars, are found in saccarin, cyclamate, aspartame, among others.

Sugar can be found in several food sources. Cane sugar or that found in fruits provide calories in the form of carbohydrates, but the way they are metabolized is different.

Bad or unhealthy sugar

Sources of refined sugar should be controlled. It is a task that belongs to the parents. Sweets or sugary drinks contain complex sugars, which come from the union of several molecules. These latter form the starch.

Consumed in excess, they endanger health and can lead to diseases, some of which are fatal.

A girl eats cotton candy

Sugar in processed foods

It is difficult to pinpoint how much sugar a person can ingest almost without realizing it. Not knowing the composition of food increases the risk of consuming high levels of glucose.

To get the information, it is important to read the labels of prepared foods before consuming them. This information is not always very visible.

80% of the sugar consumed – often without realizing it – comes from processed foods. Some are labeled as safe and healthy foods.

Nutritional tables, a help

The nutritional tables on the product label offer the possibility to check the intake of fats, sugars and to control the number of calories. Paying attention to the explanations written there will be of great help to you, especially when it comes to paying attention to the health of the children.

Knowing how much sugar children should consume is essential for a healthy education. This will provide them with a balanced supply of the nutrients the body needs for proper development.

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