My Child Does Not Want To Go To Nursery, What Should I Do? – Being Parents

My child does not want to go to nursery, what should I do?

There are children who practically jump for joy when the mother announces that it is time to go to nursery. Others, on the other hand, dodge the moment, wander the house, hide or wrap themselves in the covers tighter than ever. How to react if my child does not want to go to nursery?

This denial can be hopeless, but it is essential to be patient. It is always better to know the subject and have the best information.

There are often cases of very rebellious children when it comes to going to school, especially when they are very young, because they have difficulty leaving the family home and have to go through the school. adaptation period.

It may be that they have already adapted to the nursery and for some reason that needs to be analyzed, they suddenly don’t want to go. Other times, there is no apparent reason. The child never finishes adapting to the nursery and it is difficult to understand why and how to act.

My child does not want to go to nursery: guidelines for talking as a family

In some homes, it is possible to wait for the child to express his interest in school on his own. In other cases, the crèche plays an essential role in caring for the child while the mother and father are working.

The child of the house may accept his fate with resignation, with joy or with rejection. The latter makes sense: early schooling rarely meets the needs of the child.

By realizing that the child does not choose, it is easier to understand why he does not want to go to nursery. He will surely prefer to stay all the time with his mother or father, his grandparents or the people he loves and trusts.

Four babies at daycare.

It is possible that this happens not with an isolated child but with a sociable child, but in the family or accompanied by his mother. In short, we have to assume that it is better for the child to stay at home until at least three years old.

In any case, sending the child to nursery very early does not mean that we are bad parents. A respectful and conscious education is more about offering forums for dialogue, listening and communication.

In this sense, the child’s adaptation to the nursery will be easier if we explain to him what will happen through games, words he understands and various play resources, such as songs.

These games are almost a practice for the little ones. They can anticipate the experience and advantages of the nursery to make their stay more bearable.

Tips to help the child adjust

  • Convey self-confidence and peace of mind.
  • Allow time for a good awakening and prepare a good breakfast.
  • Avoid being late.
  • Do not send them if you are physically unwell.
  • Do not overload the backpacks.
  • Try to get a good night’s rest.
  • Ask them and encourage them to talk about their teachers and classmates.
  • Give them time to play at home: spending quality time with them will prevent them from feeling a lack of affection.

Other options if the child does not want to go to nursery

If the child is having a hard time adjusting, it is likely that he is in an unpleasant situation. Before choosing a nursery for your child, especially if he is very young, you need to take precautions.

If it is found that after the first month, the child continues to resist the urge to go to the center every day, it is necessary to take into account factors beyond his control.

Two children at the nursery.

Common reactions of children who do not want to go to nursery include : insistence on bringing their own toys, becoming attached to one of the educators, becoming more demanding at home, or crying at the entrance and at the door. the exit.

Patience is crucial to get through and overcome this first stage. When you feel the frustration that “my child doesn’t want to go to nursery,” don’t worry. If your child is in a good mood and is affectionate around the house, that’s okay.

In conclusion, only the person who spends the most time with the child and knows him the best will be able to analyze the reasons for the rejection of the nursery. You should not hesitate to talk to teachers and educators in the institution, in addition to talking to the child himself.

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