Returning To Work After Maternity Leave – Being Parents

Returning to work after maternity leave

Returning to work after maternity leave is certainly one of the most worrying moments for some mothers. They don’t want that moment to come and when it is there they suffer a lot.

In the following article, we will therefore tell you how to deal with this situation in the best possible way.

Go back to work or not?

For some women, returning to work after being a mother means regaining a little freedom and independence. For others, it is a worrying, stressful and fearful situation.

Indeed, the arrival of children marks us all, but in very different ways. Beyond loving what we do and appreciating our work, the truth is that as mothers, a woman’s mind and heart changes.

It is for this reason that  many mothers wonder whether they should return to work or not. Or when to return to their job. 

In some companies, after the maternity leave expires, the woman can request an unpaid extension. In other words, she does not work and does not receive a salary either. She may also be working fewer hours than before, such as the half day.

In addition, during the first year of the baby’s life,  the mother has the legal right to breastfeed him during her working day or to go out before. In this context, some mothers do not know if they want to return to work after maternity leave.

The economic situation is a determining factor

Obviously,  everything is linked to the particular situation of each. Perhaps some are able to stay at home with the children while the husband is working. But, there are also those who have to bring money home to support the family.

Whatever decision you make, it is important to make it consciously with the future in mind, not the present. Giving up work is not necessarily an economic problem, but rather one of feelings.

A woman who stays at home may experience depression, anxiety, irritability, and boredom. It is the children who “pay” for all these feelings because they receive the cries or annoyances of their mother.

Returning to work after maternity leave can be a stressful situation for many women.

On the other hand, it is also possible to feel guilty for letting someone else have such a small baby. Many women see themselves as “bad mothers” for this.

However, when it takes work and there is no other alternative,  we need to think about how to show our unconditional love to our children. After all, it is the way to provide them with good food, a house, and whatever else they need.

Tips for working after maternity leave

If for various reasons you have to return to work after maternity leave, and even if you are anxiously awaiting this moment of returning to the office,  know that it is not an easy task. Therefore, we give you some advice.

1. Prepare yourself mentally

A few days before the date shown in red on the calendar, you need to prepare. Not only about who will take care of your baby, but also about rather emotional matters. You must be prepared to leave your child with someone else without it hurting you.

“To prepare mentally does not mean to go like a lost soul, but to be aware that new changes will occur in a short time”

2. Change your sleeping habits

Since the birth of your child, you may not know what it’s like to sleep eight hours in a row. But now that you have to work after maternity leave,  getting enough rest is essential.

Going to bed early, planning tasks, finding times to rest – for example, when the baby is asleep – and getting up earlier than normal are habits that we need to add to our routine.

Some mothers expect only one thing after maternity leave and that is to go back to work.

3. Turn the comeback into a party

If you are depressed or worried about going back to work,  the best thing you can do is turn that event into a celebration worth celebrating. Why not buy yourself a new dress, shoes and a new bag to celebrate this day?

You can also “reward” yourself with something that you really like. For example, an ice cream, a piece of chocolate cake or a pair of earrings.

The idea is that returning to work is not problematic but rather an opportunity to “have fun”.

Finally, if in the middle of a working day, anxiety seizes you and you want to run away to find your baby, we advise you to distract yourself.

You can watch a video on the internet, listen to happy music, or chat with a colleague for a while. Of course, as  soon as you get home… enjoy every second with your child!

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