The Key In The Lock Syndrome – Parenthood

The key in the lock syndrome

Key-in-lock syndrome refers to children who wear the key around their neck. They are the ones who are  responsible for opening the door to their house,  because no one is waiting for them. Psychiatrists have called this group of teens and children “the key generation.”

This concept alludes to the importance for children to  spend the necessary time with their parents. Indeed, it is part of their psychological and physical development.

An increasingly common fact

The  reconciliation  of family and professional life means that sometimes parents cannot spend the time they would like with their children. This type of situation is becoming more and more frequent today, especially in large cities.

This results in children with a lack of orientation and behavioral problems. They can also suffer from obesity and depression. Additionally, they will have the inability to show their feelings, among other issues.

Key-in-the-lock syndrome can also lead to the onset of physical symptoms. Among them are  sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, weight loss and gastrointestinal disturbances. As a result, children’s academic performance and behavioral characteristics will be affected.

Causes of key in the lock syndrome in children

Here are some situations that can explain the key in the lock syndrome:

  • The  development of nuclear families.  It resulted in the absence of grandparents capable of guiding the child.
  • The empowerment of women. It has led to a large number of working mothers.
  • The world has become an expensive place. For this reason, work is the first priority. Indeed, it saves the money that the education of children requires.
  • Strong competition in the corporate sector  has resulted in tight and busy schedules.
  • The  need for better education for children  also demands financial stability.

Many children do not get used to eating at school for various reasons.

The consequences of the key in the lock syndrome in children

It is necessary to emphasize the consequences. In most cases,  key in the lock syndrome has negative effects on children under the age of 12.  It is a very influential stage in the personal development of children.

1. Anxiety

Key in the lock syndrome leads children to  isolate themselves and  avoid facing any   stressful situation.

2. Anxiety attacks

It  can  also be  manifested with visual impairments. For example, small hallucinations or the distortion of real images.

3. Adjustment disorder

Another consequence is that  children do not live the role that corresponds to their age. This is called adjustment disorder.

 4. Children’s independence

By not having contact with parents, children learn to cope during the day. This makes them have  more freedom and they are more independent.

5. Tired parents

It is usual for parents to arrive home exhausted after they have finished their  day’s work.  They therefore do not even have the strength to engage in dialogue with their children. In other cases, they arrive home late at night when the children are already asleep. 

6. Loss of authority

Concerning the relationship between parents and children, lack of time that the  children lose the respect and authority.

7. Aggression

Children can become somewhat  aggressive or arrogant  with their parents.  Or, having episodes of rebellion due to a lack of authority.

8. Friendships

Friends fulfill  the role of family. Those who suffer from key in the lock syndrome depend to a large extent on their friendships. The problem is, dating kids isn’t always the most appropriate.

9. Power problems

Often, children have to learn to cook. Therefore, they do not necessarily respect meal times. This fact often results in poor diet, such as consuming junk food.

Many mothers and fathers do not dedicate the time their children deserve and this generates the key in the lock syndrome.

10. Lack of affectivity

Finally, here is the latest consequence of the key in the lock syndrome. These children are often  unable to feel love for others  because they do not feel loved or cared for by their own parents.

In conclusion, it can be agreed that life today requires parents to work, but that  does not necessarily mean that there is a distance between family members.

To strengthen the relationship with your child, we recommend that you maintain  extended discussions and a fluid exchange of ideas. This way you can show an active interest in your child’s life. And this will ensure that the child will not feel ignored.

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