These Things Not To Say To A Pregnant Woman – Parenthood

These things not to say to a pregnant woman

There are things you should not tell a pregnant woman. A woman who is expecting a baby is usually the center of attention wherever she is  and is the subject of a lot of comments that are not always pleasant or just that you just don’t want to hear. when you are expecting a baby.

If you are going through a pregnancy you are likely to hear these kinds of things and if you have ever had a baby you must have heard them when you were pregnant. Do you recognize yourself in any of these sentences?

Expressions not to say to a pregnant woman

“It hurts so much”

Every woman who has been  pregnant  has heard some powerful and very painful stories about the birth of babies. If you know a pregnant woman, avoid telling her how terrifying the pain of childbirth is. 

As a future mother you know it won’t be easy and it is important that you stay positive to prevent stress from affecting you and your baby in any way.

Remember that all women have different experiences, and for many, the process of pregnancy is not traumatic.

“You are very small or you are very thin”

A pregnant woman can misinterpret these kinds of comments and worry about the health and size of her baby.

If you have a short body shape, it is normal that the growth is not too obvious; but if you do your checks rigorously, there is nothing to worry about.

“You are very tall or you are very fat”

The self-esteem of pregnant women  is particularly fragile due to the external and internal changes they experience, and this kind of expression can generate a crisis of their own image.

It is normal to gain weight when you are pregnant, just try to eat healthy and you will be fine.

A pregnant woman

“It was expected ?”

Whether planned or not, the decision to continue the pregnancy means that one has the situation under control.

So this is one of the things not to say to a pregnant woman, and it does not concern anyone whether it was planned or whether it happened unexpectedly; the only thing that matters is that in a few months you will have a lovely baby in your arms.

“Can I touch your belly?”

Many women have no problem getting close to their stomachs, but for others it is more difficult.

It is therefore safer not to do this, unless you are a person close to the pregnant woman.

“When I was pregnant…”

It is normal for mothers with multiple children to know a lot of things that you may not know. However, they do not have the absolute truth about it.

All pregnancies are different and if you need counseling you can ask a family member or doctor for advice. 

Don’t believe all the negative stories some people might tell you.

“You shouldn’t eat or drink this”

Unless it’s harmful to your baby, you don’t want to hear this stuff.

If you have questions about diet during pregnancy, you can consult menu options for pregnant women or a nutritionist. Otherwise, you will hear a thousand and one things that have no real basis.

“Are you sure these aren’t twins?”

With this expression, all pregnant women think the implication is that they are overweight. The abdominal growth of a woman who is expecting a baby varies depending on the body characteristics of the woman, the baby and the diet.

There is therefore no standard measurement. Again, as long as you make it to the street checks and everything is going well, there is nothing to worry about.

A pregnant woman with a cardboard heart

“Are you going to quit your job when the baby is born?”

This is one of the things not to say to a pregnant woman because it is a personal matter that should only be discussed with the family.

It can be experienced as an intrusion and it’s not something you want to talk about with just anyone. The decision whether or not to continue professional activity rests solely with the mother and her partner. 

“Sleep well now, soon you won’t have time”

Any comment with damaging intent should not be said to a pregnant woman. Motherhood is a wonderful experience which, like everything in life, involves certain sacrifices.

We shouldn’t make you see it as a tragedy. 

“You are too young to have children”

Certainly, there are certain socially established parameters for motherhood, but if we do not comply with them, it is not necessarily dramatic. Even if you don’t fit the standards, the main thing is to make your motherhood a wonderful time that you will fully enjoy, no matter your age. 

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