What To Pack In Your Suitcase On The Day Of The Birth – Being Parents

What to pack in your suitcase on the day of delivery

As soon as you reach 32 weeks and your pregnancy conditions are normal, it is a good idea to start preparing for the baby’s arrival. Not only should her room and her things be ready, but the first step is to prepare the suitcase with everything you will need in the hospital on the day of the birth.

Here are some things to keep in mind when you are on your way to the hospital to give birth. Take note and be careful not to leave any of these items out:

The list of things to take to the hospital on the day of delivery

1) An ID with your photo

Either your identity card  or your driver’s license, as well as all the documents you will need to make the admission to the hospital.

2) A bathrobe, slippers and socks

Usually the hospital will provide you with a bathrobe after childbirth, but it is much more convenient to have your own things that you feel comfortable with and are not afraid to get dirty with. You should be comfortable in the event that your blood pressure, blood test, or any other routine test needs to be taken.

3) Something that helps you relax

Whether it’s music, a  book,  or anything else that can distract you and help you feel less stressed during the moments before the baby arrives.

4) a toiletry kit

You will likely need a towel, soap, and other personal hygiene items if you need to spend more time in the hospital. Don’t forget the toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, cream, shampoo and any other accessories you use.

5) A warm and light coat or jacket

Hospitals are not the warmest places, so it is recommended that you have something warm that will also help protect you from the wind when you are discharged from the hospital.

6) Maternity underwear

In particular the bra which must be designed for breastfeeding with its sachets to deposit the milk; with a regular bra, you may end up getting your blouse wet and not feeling comfortable.

Pregnant woman waiting for childbirth in her hospital bed

7) Something to tie your hair up

Preferably an elastic or a fabric object. With the pliers you can hurt yourself and feel embarrassed.

8) A phone with sufficient battery and the necessary contacts saved

You never know when you will need to make an urgent call. It is therefore advisable to have all important telephone numbers on hand.

9) Several spare underwear

After giving birth, you are likely to need to change your underwear several times. Be prepared and bring 2 or 3 more to avoid the hassle.

10) Clothes for leaving the clinic

You should also bring a change of clothes for when you can get home. Take clothes corresponding to about 6 months of pregnancy in case your belly is still a little swollen.

11) clothes for your baby

Of course, in addition to your own clothes, you should plan a small suitcase for the things your baby will use:  his clothes, socks, a blanket, diapers, a small cap and everything needed to wash him properly.

A pregnant woman on the day of childbirth

Optional items

Adding these items to your suitcase depends on the conditions of your pregnancy:

  • An extra pillow. Many pregnant women cannot get to sleep when they don’t have enough pillows. If this is your case, bring your own pillow so you won’t be hassled to spend the night.
  • A change of clothes for your companion. It is very often essential that women spend a few nights in the hospital after childbirth. If there is someone spending the night with you, it is advisable to have a change of clothes so that you don’t get into trouble at the least convenient time.
  • A camera. If you want to immortalize the day of childbirth, be sure to bring a good camera with the battery charged. You will have engraved the memories of one of these unique moments even if you are going through another childbirth.

An important point when packing is not to pack your favorite clothes as they can get damaged. Take with you the things that you do not fear losing due to tasks or any accident that may occur with hygiene. If you use glasses, take them, you might need them at any time.

You should also consider the weather on the day of delivery. If winter is approaching, bring enough items to keep you and your baby  out of the cold.

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